why you got to be such a sussy baka

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after i fell i get up... as i get up i see a pink suit...its aston who else would choose pink? he pts his hand out in front of me to lift me up, but i learnt from last time not to do that, so i denied his han dand got up like the strong independant man i am. "why are you running?" aston asked me.

while trying to grab the words out of my mouth to explain that i was running from andrew and dora, he looked at me said, dont worry i know who it is, i just dont want to call meeting since everyone always thinks im lying...so i have a plan. i gulp.. w-w-w-w-who do you think it is?

i dont think...i know. aston said, while looking into the distance dramaticaly, even doing the dwayne the rock johnson eyebrow raise.

who, i said in my scared but brave manly voice.


he said

b-but newt has been with rylee i saw them. exaclty, newt is trying to buy rylees trust with his, passonite smile and adorable british accent, and i can not let that happen, so i have to prove to everyone that newt is sus... or even........................imposter. after aston said that, i gave him a blank but confused stare, then...

we heard the emergancy meeting alarm go off. as it went of i jumped, i went higher then i do when i smoke. 

                                                                      EMERGANCY MEETING


andrew: my condolences rylee

william (me): how did he die?

rylee: ...how do you think, he was murdered dumbass... it was terrable. as i walked into electriacal where newt told me he was going, i see him get slapped, as he falls the the ground the imposter vents before him or i could see them, i ran to him , yelling his name, i step over to his dying body, asking him if he is alright... he answered me in his british accent, "yes''  i asked him " can you get up?" he replied by trying to stand then falling again ''no" it hurt me that he could only ryply with one word, its probably becuase he got throat punched, but atlesed his beautiful britsh accent stayed till the end.. "rylee" he said while still lying on the ground, idk why tho, since he only got punched in the throat not and not the shins, ''you know hwo i said i would finish my tasks before i died'' yes i ryplied "this was my last task... i failed"

its ok newt i tried to tell him. your going to live through it. "no i dont think so" ''stupid nubby self, how was i suppost to finish tasks when i get killed by a throat punch'' ''your not dying newt not on my watch, i dont want you too'' he ryplied to me saying ''i dont want to die, but atleased now i can see minho watching us as a ghost, i hope, he may have left like a wussy, but im sure he waited for me. im sure he did newt. i think hes waiting for me now, find the imposter for me, goodbye rylee. goodbye newt.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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