Chapter 11

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Just as he was about to turn off the machine, Ethan saw something move on the screen. With a little adjustment, he was soon able to find a heartbeat, and a much clearer image on the screen.

'Look at this!' Ethan smiled, turning the screen towards Fenisha.

'It's okay, the baby's okay?'

'They're absolutely perfect. I can't believe we made this. Look, they're kicking!'

'Yes, I noticed' Fenisha muttered grimly. You don't need to get so excited, it's just an ultrasound.'

'Don't tell me you weren't this excited at your first one. You've got a head start on me, I've only known about this for less than a month. I'm still making up for lost time.'

'Oh, yeah, I forget. Can I have a closer look?' Ethan pushed the machine a little closer to her. 'I know this is technically a mistake, but I have to say, best mistake ever.'

'Agreed, you want to know the gender?'

'I dunno, I was planning to keep it a surprise, but now I'm here, I'm not so sure. It's not like it makes any real difference, since I'd like to raise them gender neutral, at least at first. This whole pink is for girls, blue is for boys thing is ridiculous, just enforcement of harmful gender stereotypes. What do you think?'

'Oh, yes, I agree. No point putting kids into boxes. But remember, I am the one doing the scan, so I already know. I'll only tell you if you want me to.'

'Right, let's hear it, I don't think I can bear 6 weeks of your insufferable smugness.'

'Hey! Anyway, it's a boy.'


'What, no celebration? Most prospective parents I come across are overjoyed.'

'It makes no real difference until he's old enough to decide for himself.'

'Ah, that makes sense. I've got to go now, but you'll take it easy, right.'

'Yes, fine.' she replied, rolling her eyes. 'But genuinely, today was a real scare.'

'Seriously, I didn't want to scare you, but that could have very easily ended quite differently. You're on desk duty for precisely this reason. You have to be more careful. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you or our baby.' He kissed her on the forehead, but as he turned to go he noticed a pair of eyes peering through a gap in the cubicle curtains. He pulled the curtain aside. 'Robyn! What on earth?'

'Sorry' she replied sheepishly. 'I was just coming to check on Fenisha, and I heard you guys talking. I was going to just leave but...

'Cut the crap Robyn, how much did you hear' cut in Fenisha.

'Oh, more than enough.' A grin spread across Robyn's face.

'What's all this?' queried Faith jokingly, as she walked past. 'I feel like I'm missing something.'

'Oh, it's nothing important' Ethan replied.

'Actually, it kind of is.' Robyn smirked. 'It appears that Ms Khatri and Dr Hardy are a little more than friends, and have been for at least, say nearly 8 months.'

'Wait, Ethan and Fenisha are together!' Faith exclaimed, catching everybody's attention.

'Why not shout it a bit louder, I'm not sure they quite heard you at St James's' muttered Fenisha as the rest of the staff watched intently. Little pockets of chatter broke out, and many of them drifted closer, desperate to hear what was going on.

Fenisha rolled her eyes, before starting to speak.

'Okay everybody, calm down. Ethan and I are NOT a couple. Yes, he is the dad, but that was just an... accident, it only happened once.

'What, did you trip over, and your tongue fell down his throat?' chipped in Jade, clearly enjoying herself. This caused them both to flush, and Ethan to squirm awkwardly.

'Obviously, it wasn't a literal accident, but it wasn't meant to end up like this. We were both a bit drunk, and we'd never met before, she never planned on seeing me again.'

'Yep, I never called him back. Then, I started working here the next week and trust me... I was not planning to see his face. Anyway, we're just friends.'

'Sure, so I wouldn't have seen you kiss her or anything.' Said Robyn sarcastically.

'Oh, that was just platonic kissing, you know, friendly but affectionate.'

'Nope, I don't think that's a thing.' As she spoke, Faith glanced around, causing a mutter of assent from many of her colleagues.

'Actually,' Jade said, 'it kind of is, I've seen it in a couple of books.' Fenisha smiled thankfully over at Jade.

'See, you guys are just trying to make a drama out of nothing. I don't get why it's such a big deal.'

'Nope, you two are just kidding yourselves.' Robyn cut in. 'Ethan, kiss me.' He looked disgusted, and almost jumped back in shock.

'What, NO. Why would I want to do that?'

'I'm your friend. Platonic kissing, remember,' she teased. 'You see, although this might be a thing, you all forgot to account for Ethan. This is the man who would barley hold his girlfriend's hand when they were dating. What's different?' Ethan paused, fumbling for an excuse, even though both he and Fenisha knew there wasn't one. They both knew they weren't just friends, but it hung unsaid between them, since neither wanted to run the risk of fracturing the fragile relationship they had.

'Anyway, you know I'm right.' Robyn smiled triumphantly at her audience, before turning at the sound of clicking heels.

'What fresh hell is this?' Connie demanded, peering round. The only one brave enough to speak back to her in her clear bad mood was a new locum nurse, not yet well acquainted with the clinical lead.

'It appears that Fenisha's baby is also Ethan's'.

'Ah, I see. Dr Hardy, isn't she a little out of your league? That doesn't matter, since last I checked, I ran an emergency department, not a gossip group. Back to work everyone.'

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