[CH8] And So A Week Goes By

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Author = [Hello]
Actions = Sigh
Emphasizing = Why
Thoughts = 'Why'
Speaking = "Why"

3rd Pov

Robert-"I'm sorry what?" She questioned from the doorway.

Minor annoyance washed over Y/n. He hadn't the time nor care to repeat himself but he still did so.

Y/n-"You will train under me for one week. We start at sunrise end before the first bell and pick up again after the last till the night. I expect two hundred percent effort with zero complaints. Do I make myself clear Rubedo?"

Ruby-"Do I have to get up so early?"

Y/n-"Do you want me to train you or not?"

Ruby-"Yes! I'll be awake an hour early."

Y/n-"One more hour of training. Already putting in extra. Good. Now... I shall leave you to your devices. Tomorrow i'll hand you a proper schedule to follow by."

Ruby-"Allright. See you later Y/n."

The door closes and Y/n makes way to his own room without a wasted breath.

Y/n-'That bloody warmth in her annoys me greatly. At the very least i'll make my mentors proud.' He once again returned to his memories of being beaten down constantly by the various bosses and people of the many lands he crossed through. 'Good times...' A small smile graced Y/ns lips.


Ruby awakes to the sound of a beak pecking at glass. Opening the window an arrow zooms past her and embeds itself in the roof of her room with a note attached. Ruby takes it, after getting over the shock of said arrow, and reads it.

"You have ten minutes to meet me by the cliff or I cut off your training."

Fear overcame Ruby and she quickly used her semblance to get ready. She then rushed out the building to collect her weapon and make it to the cliff.

Y/n-"You're late. You could've been here in five minutes."

Ruby-"I needed to get dressed and retrieve Crescent Rose." She tried to explain herself.

Y/n-"First lesson. You should always be ready for battle. You should've come here in only your pajamas without your weapon or already have your weapon in your room."

Ruby-"But I can't fight in pajamas or without Cresent Rose!" She defended.

Y/n-"Then don't wear them. What if you were attacked in your sleep? What if you were disarmed? What if you were kidnapped in your sleep and found yourself alone in the woods? You need to always be ready for a fight."

"And before you say it. Not every situation. Not even I can be prepared for everything. That's why I ready myself for as much as I can. With that said. Attack me."

Ruby-"You're not even armed!"

Y/n-"Even more reason to strike me. Attack when your opponent is lax or unprepared."

Ruby nods and rushes in for a swing. Y/n sidesteps her and elbows her in her side before ripping Crescent Rose from her and using it to knock her down.

Y/n-"You need to attack your opponent with the intent to kill. I saw you lax your weapon when you came in for the swing."

Day one continued like this for some time. Ruby returned to her room clutching her side.


Awoken the same as before Ruby opens the window but is met with a dagger cutting into her cheek along with the note.

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