[CH19]A Night On The Town

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Author = [Hello]
Actions = Sigh
Emphasizing = Why
Thoughts = 'Why'
Speaking = "Why"

3rd Pov

Inside the RWBY dorm sat Blake. She was reading up on any news she could about the Fang when the rest of her team walked in.

Ruby-"I still can't get over how--"

Yang-"Y/n iced our resident ice queen?"

Weiss-"Quiet you."

Ruby-"I didn't expect him of all people to play with us let alone be so good at the game."

The trio continued their talk as Blake tried to leave the room only to be stopped by a wall of ice.

Blake-"Weiss?" She questioned as she looked back.

Weiss-"You made a promise to us Blake. All of us. That night on the docks you would tell us if anything was wrong." The room grew silent as everyone turned to look at Blake. "Please, tell us what's wrong."

Blake-"There's nothing wrong Weiss."

Y/n-"At least come up with a story to throw them off Belladonna." The girls freak out as they turn to see him on the window seal. "You saw the note. Besides Yang everyone has some clue of what is going on." Weiss and Ruby look away from the man while Yang looked confused.

Blake-"I just don't understand how everyone's so calm..."

Yang-"Snap Oh, this is about Torchwick isn't it?"

Blake-"All of it! The Fang. Torchwick. A friend died! And your all sitting back without a care in the world when something BIG is happening."

Yang-"Ozpin told us that Huntsman and the police can handle it."

Blake-"You really believe that?! They have people like Horace with them! I don't even know the Fang anymore!" She clutches her heart as she tries to hold it together. "What makes you think they do?! I saw him on the docks! He ripped Suns tail off and all the while kept a happy go lucky attitude!" She breaks.

"Every moment of Suns death has been etched into my mind. And it wasn't some grimm that got him! It was a faunus! Or worse a human that worked with the Fang! The Fang has changed for the worse and I can't just sit around and twiddle my thumbs!"

Weiss-"We're not ready! None of us have even the slightest bit of power to take on an organization like the Fang! Yang fought random shmucks in a nightclub! Ruby beat up second rate losers and even then she had Y/n backing her up. And I can't even..." She freezes. "Point is none of us are ready. We're all children."

Ruby-"Yeah but..."

Weiss-"Children! Unprepared! Untrained! Underequipped!"

Blake-"SO WHAT?! Our enemies won't care to wait if we graduate." She slams her fist upon her metal leg. "They're out there! Planning something and we don't know what it is! But it's coming regardless of our skill!" Y/n begins clapping. The attention turns to him.

Y/n-"Maybe I should've trained you over Ruby. Would've certainly been put to better use." He said as he pointed to Blakes prosthetics. "But alas I can only offer my services for a time. I am with you Belladonna." The room grew quiet for but a second before the ever cheerful Ruby hopped in.

Ruby-"Manic arm flailing Okay, all in favor of becoming the youngest Huntresses to single-handedly taking down a corrupt organization conspiring against the Kingdom of Vale... say aye."

Y/n-"I am right here."

Yang-"Hell yeah! Gotta make em pay for what they did to ya partner." She pumps her fist as she looks to Blake. "Oum I love it when your feisty."

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