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I'm updating this whole series since my friend went through everything and wrote some stuff on it.

Harry pov
"Did you get it?"I whispered.

Amelia nodded,she had picked the lock on the cupboard we use to be forced to sleep in. We both smiled and opened the door to the cupboard. I grabbed our trunks and books, wands and other things we needed for school.

"They are so gonna kill us."

"definitely " she laughed.

We heard uncle Vernon cough,I closed the cupboard door and we snuck back up the stairs.As we opened our bedroom door there was a loud door opening sound,we both hid our things and quickly got into bed and pretended to be asleep as Vernon opened the door and looked in the room and then left. We both looked at each other and covered our mouth to not laugh and sat up.

Narrator pov

"This just arrived." Said uncle Vernon. "A letter about you two."

Amelia and Harry looked at each other confused.
He then began to read the letter,it was from Mrs weasley.

Summary, Mrs Weasley wants Harry and Amelia to go with them to the Quidditch World Cup on Monday and wants them to stay for the remainder of the holiday.

He then showed them the envelope the letter came in, Amelia and Harry tried not to laugh. Every bit was covered in stamps except for a square inch in the front which has the Dursley's address.

"she did put enough stamps on then," said Harry.

"Mhm, the postman thought it was funny and rang the doorbell wondering where it came from." Uncle Vernon said.

"Well, you should've told him the truth. Your wife's sisters kids go to a magical school and their friends mother-" Amelia said and then got cut off, "shut up."

"Well can we go?" Harry asked.

"Who is this woman?"

"You have seen her, Rons mother, you met her last term at the train." Harry said.

"Dumpy sort of woman?" He growled. "Load of children with red hair."

The twins frowned. He thought it was a bit rich for him to say that when his own son, Dudley had finally achieved what he had been threatening to do since the age of three, and become wider than he was tall.

"What's quidditch?"

"It is a sport,"said Amelia,"where 7 people fly on
brooms like evil witches-"

"Alright, alright!" He yelled and then said,"what does the normal way mean?"

"Normal for us." Said Harry and before Vernon could stop him he added," you know, owl poet. That is what's normal for wizard and witches."

"How many times did I tell you to stop mentioning that unnaturalness under my roof." He hissed, his face now angry and red," we have gave you clothes and you still stand here ungrateful!-"

"Only after Dudley finished with them," said Harry coldly.

"I shall not be spoken to like that!" Uncle Vernon shouted with rage.

"Okay we get it, we can't go. We have to finish a letter to Sirius,our godfather."Amelia said.

"You-You have been writing to him!?"

"Yeah." Amelia said causally.

"It's been a while since he heard from us and you know, if he doesn't, he might think something is wrong." Harry says.

The Potter Twins (4th year)Where stories live. Discover now