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Narrator pov
"Did he eat it?" Fred asked excitedly.

Harry nodded and asked,"what was it?"

"Tongue Toffee." Amelia answered.

He looked at her confused.

"You know how I've been sending letters to them all summer?" She asked. He nodded. "I've been helping them make stuff,and we needed to test it out on someone...so..it was either Petunia, Vernon or Dudley.

"and Amelia said that Dudley would be stupid enough to eat it. So we made up a plan." Fred added.

The tiny kitchen exploded with laughter, Ron and George were sitting at the scrubbed wooden table with two red headed people Harry or Amelia had never seen before but knew it was bill and Charlie, the two eldest weasley brothers.

"How are you doing?" Said the nearer of the two, grinning at him and holding out a hand,Amelia shook his hand and then Harry shook it, both feeling calluses and blisters under his fingers, must be Charlie.

Charlie was built like the twins, he had a broad, good natured face, which was weather-beaten and so freckly that he looked almost tanned; his arms were muscular and one of them had a large , shiny burn on it. Bill got to his feet, smiling and also shook both their hands. Bill came as something as a surprise. They knew that he worked for Gringotts and that he had been head boy ; the Potter twins had always imagined him to be an older version of Percy: fussy about rule breaking and fond of bossing everyone around.

However, bill was cool, tall, and had long hair tied back in a ponytail. He was wearing an earring with what looked like dang dangling from it. Bill clothes looked like he was going to a rock concert, his boots were made out of dragon hide instead of leather. There was then a faint popping noise, mr Weasley popped out of thin air at George's shoulder.

"That wasn't funny Fred!" He shouted. "What on earth did you give that muggle boy."

"Didn't give him anything." Said Fred, with another evil grin. "I just dropped it....it was his fault he went and ate it, I never told him to."

"You dropped it on purpose!" roared Mr Weasley. "You knew he would he it, you knew he was on a diet!"

"How big did his tongue get?" George asked eagerly.

"Four feet long before his parents let me shrink it!"

Amelia, Harry and the Weasleys laughed.

"It isn't funny!" Shouted Mr Weasley. "That sort of behavior seriously undermines wizard - muggle relations! I spend half my life campaigning against the mistreatment of Muggles and my own sons-"

"We didn't give it to him because he's a muggle!"
Fred said

"No we gave him it because he's a great bullying git," said George and he looked at Harry and Amelia."isnt he?"

"Yes, he is, Mr Weasley."Harry said

"That's not the point!" Raged Mr Weasley. "You wait until I tell your mother—"

"Tell me what?" Said a voice behind them.

Mrs Weasley had just entered the kitchen,"oh hello Harry,Amelia."

Then she looked at me weasley again,"tell me what Arthur?"

There was a silence.

Then two girls appeared in the doorway behind Mrs Weasley. One with bushy hair and large front teeth, was Hermione granger and the other was rons younger sister Ginny.

"Tell me what?"

"Nothing Molly." Mumbled mr Weasley," Fred and George just — but I've already had a word with them —"

"What did they do this time?" Said Mrs Weasley. "And if it has anything to do with that joke shop —"

"Why don't you show Harry and Amelia where they are sleeping ron."

"They already know where." Ron said.

"We can all go." Hermione said pointedly.

"Oh," said ron, cottoning on. "Right."

Harry,Amelia,Ron,Hermione and Ginny made there way up the stairs.

"What is the joke shop?"

"Mum found this stack of orders when cleaning Fred and George's room," said Ron quietly. "Great long price lists for stuff they have invented with the help of Amelia. Joke Stuff, you know. Fake wands  and trick sweets. It was brilliant, really. I never knew they had been inventing all of that.."

"We have been hearing explosions out of their room for ages, but never actually thought they were making things," said Ginny." We just thought they just liked the noise."

"Mum didn't like the idea of them selling the stuff at hogwarts, said it was dangerous and that they shouldn't be getting money from students. She told them they weren't allowed to make anymore of the stuff and burned all of it. She's already furious at them, because they didn't get as many O . W. L . s as she expected."

"And then there was this big row." Ginny said,
"mum wants them to go into the ministry they want to open the joke shop."

Just then a door opened, showing Percy

"Hi Percy." Amelia and Harry said at the same time.

"Hey Amelia, Harry." Said Percy. "I was wondering who was making all that noise. I'm trying to work in here , you know — I've got a report to finish for the office and it's rather difficult to concentrate when people keep thundering up and down the stairs."

"We are not thundering." Said ron irritably. "We're walking, sorry if we interrupted your top secret workings of the ministry of magic."

"What are you working on?" Amelia asked.

"A report for the department of international magical Cooperation." Said Percy,"wanna come see?"

"Sure." Amelia said and followed Percy into the room.

"He shows her his stuff but not us?favoritism." Ron said and they went up more flight of stairs.


Amelia pov
Percy showed me his cauldron thing he was working on.

"It's going very badly. And I told Mr Crouch I would have it done by Tuesday. I'm nervous."

"Well, I know you can do it but if you ever need help, you can always ask, Percy." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Thanks Amelia."

I left and went in the garden where I saw bill and Charlie on the other side of the house,they had their wands out and were making two battered old tables fly high above the lawn, smashing into each other.

I heard the others walked towards me from Fred and George's cheering and Ginny's  laugh.

Bills table caught Charlie's with a huge bang and knocked one of its legs off. There was a clatter from above, we all looked up and Percy was poking his head out of the window.

"will you stop with the noise?" He bellowed.

"Sorry Perce," shouted bill grinning. "How is the cauldron bottoms coming on?"

"Very badly." Percy said and he slammed the window.

Chuckling, bill and Charlie directed the tables eagerly onto the grass, end to end, and then , with a flick of his wand, Bill reattached the table  leg and conjured the tableclothes from nowhere.

I absolutely love the burrow,
what about you?

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