Chapter 1 : The Sun Rises

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A Minecraft Trilogy

By: Thom Alessandra, Maribell Sanchez, Evagline Zemenia and Mollie Dae


On an island, not far from Dune Rose Island, canoes line shore. To the left is a dense forest of palms and a dirt path, covered in dead fall leaves. There is the occasional tule bush. In a bustling secluded village, in the heart of the island, there were two sisters hiding from their past.

This is how they ended up there....

Sara sat there, with her violet eyes and long, wavy, white hair with bubblegum-pink streaks. She wore a white shirt with puffy sleeves at the shoulders and tight fit skinny sleeves down to her elbows. She also wore a button-up white corset type waist piece. On her legs she had on khaki brown shorts with a couple of rips on the edges. Sara sat on a stained stool by a wood desk. She held a piece of leather in one hand and a hammer in the other. Due to the lack of a third hand, she held a nail in her teeth. Sara, or Jazz, her nickname, was a shoemaker. She taught herself when she was very young and loved the way shoes could be unique, just like people. But as a 16 year old princess, she wasn't exactly expected to make shoes.

The front door bell rang, as Sara finished polishing a pair of shoes. The client who came in was Kat, Sara's sister. She has long straight blue hair and shiny, gold eyes. She was wearing a green long sleeve shirt and long, brown, bell bottom pants. Kat was an expert with a bow. And Sara was an expert swordsman. Also a princess, Katniss practiced with her bow and arrow in secret and went by the nickname Kat.

"Hey, Jazz!" Kat exclaimed.

"Hi," Sara mumbled, barely looking up from the leather scraps on the table.

Kat put a lattice weaved basket filled with cotton and leather for shoes on her desk.

"We have to get home to help mom with dinner." Kat sighed, rolling her eyes. The fact they had to help their mother, Queen Christina Cortex, with dinner was a fossilized idea and a monotonous task.

Kat and Sara, birth sisters, had no idea who their birth dad was. Their step-dad, the king, married their mother, who became the queen, thus making the sisters princesses. The king, or noble King Ramond, was not a nice man. He would make promises in public and then betray them and lock them up in secret. The king was not nice to Kat and Sara, either. He didn't support them in their "un-lady-like" behavior. By this he meant Sara's shoes and Kat's arrows. The queen, their real mom, was the kindest soul on earth in contrast to their father.

"Hi!" Git said out of nowhere. Git was Sara's best friend. Kat called him Jr. Kat always teased Sara of having a crush on him, which she did a little. Although Sara was a bit of a loner. Unlike her sister though, who was a full lone wolf, Sara liked Git and preferred the social way of life.

"Yat!" Sara said, twizzling a strand of hair in between her fingers and leaning back on her stool. She wore a smile.''Yat'' meant "hey"or "hi" in Sara, Kat, and Git's language. They had a secret way of communicating.

"I invited Git over for a monster hunt tonight," said Kat in a rad tone. At night, the village was populated with zombies, giant spiders, and creepers.

"I'm in!" Sara exclaimed.

That night, they prepared in the castle basement. They had to sneak Git in so they went through the forest and into the secret trap door that led into the basement. They giggled as they went one by one in the trap door. Sara sharpened her diamond and steel sword. She also got enchanted leather armor out of a chest. Kat loaded her sack with arrows and tuned her bow. Git washed the zombie blood off his netherite sword and sharpened it. It was time for battle. They each put on an enchanted leather wristband that if they were gonna die, they would heal and would be magically transported home. Home, in this case, was the basement.

The three marched out the trap door, their swords shining in the moonlight. Kat spotted a skeleton. She went in for the kill, her sword glistening. Soon enough, everyone's sword was whacking a zombie, skeleton, or spider. Kat killed a couple dozen zombies while Git killed a dozen spiders.
"Git!" yelled Kat.

Kat tossed Git her sword and she did a flip behind the zombie. Then, with lightning speed, Git tossed the sword back and Kat stabbed the zombie in the head. Suddenly a spider hit Sara. She climbed up a tree to avoid it.
"Help!" yelped Git frantically. The spider started attacking him with its fangs.
Sara jumped down from the tree right in between Git and the spider. Then, with a swoop of her sword, she slayed the spider. She looked at Git deeply in the eyes. They stood there for a minute, just falling in love on the spot. Sara didn't notice the creeper about to explode behind her.

"Jazz!" screamed Git. But it was too late. Her innocent eyes sparkled as the creeper blew up in a stunning boom of light and she was hurled to the ground. Sara was lying on the ground, with one heart, on her side on the hard wet swampy ground. She was unconscious. Git and Kat rushed to her side. They carried her into a makeshift underground base they had quickly dug. Suddenly, a creeper flopped into the base. Kat and Git brandished their swords, ready to kill. First, Kat created a diversion by going up close to the creeper and hitting it with a sword. Then Git slayed it from behind. They high fived then went back to tending to Sara. Her hearts were slowly coming back. A few minutes later, Sara came back to consciousness. She stirred awake. She sat up and hugged her friends

"Thank you" she whispered, shaking slightly. The sun was rising in the distance, creating a golden arora of clouds. 

"Let's go home," said Sara.

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