Chapter 8: Home With a Vengeance

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Jaya shared a quicker route to Malooma. The path was filled with huge wind-blown trees and the path was fresh with baby grass. A new beginning for the plant. Which is what Kat and Sara hoped this could be. A fresh start. But yet they find themselves walking on this path, where the trees and old and the grass is new, back to the place they had tried so hard to escape.
A queasy feeling ensued Sara
"I don't know what to say," she said when she broke the silence that came with this journey "Everything just feels wrong somehow" she crossed her arms on her stomach. Sara was wearing a white knitted shirt with a tan sweetheart-line shaped stripe over her chest. She had long brown pants on.
"I know how you feel" said Emerald with a deep sigh "I'm meeting my mother for the first time in 15 years" she sighed with a tired laugh
For the occasion, Emerald was wearing a medium length dark blue war dress with a black ribbon and a black hooded cloak, along with dark gray pants. She also wore deep navy blue boots with diamonds laced into them.
Kat followed Emerald's stride wearing a dress made of pearls.
Jaya decided to be in fox-form on this journey, but otherwise she wore a sky blue tunic with puffy sleeves, a leather skirt, and some knee-high boots that made loud clanking noises. Git and Rich had basic green shirts and brown pants. Leo had a blue shirt. And they all already had their iron boots on. They were ready.
"Almost there" Jaya panted slightly, breaking a silence once more.
They arrived at a clearing. They were almost there.
"This way" said Jaya over the crunch of the early Autumn leaves.
She led them on a worn dirt path. Sara recognised this as the hunting path Kat took every morning. It was getting evening, so they decided to wait till dawn to go into Malooma. They set up a tent with Emerald's help.
"Hey" said Rich pulling Kat aside "If we don't live, I want to join Git"
"What do you m-" Kat was cut off by a small, sweet kiss on her lips from Rich, who had put a hand on her shoulder, pulling her closer to him.
"Hm" she bluntly said, growing a smile and giggling to herself as she rushed into the tent.
"Well!" Kat said once she was in the girl's tent
"What?" Sara said, sitting up.

"Just a kiss" she said lying down
"JUST a kiss." Emerald snorted in laughter, lying back down.
The others giggled too, lying down on their leaf beds.

It had been a long night and one girl and one boy would take turns keeping guard during the night.

It was finally morning and the gang was getting ready to confront King Ramond. They decided to split into two groups, one with Kat, Sara, and Emerald while group two had everyone else. Group two was sneaking through the trap door that led to the basement while the sisters went through the front. They all decided to wear black cloaks and hoods, to not attract too much attention.

"Halt! Who are you three!" A soldier snapped as they approached.

"I am..." Kat sneered, lashing out at the soldier and freezing it's head with ice. "...Your princess."
Emerald and Sara took care of the other soldiers, lifting them up, and rolling them tightly in vines and branches.

The sisters continued on, whipping and beating up soldiers while they went, until they came to the throne room where their mother, Queen Christiana, who was staring blankly at the hooded sisters. While their father however, icily glared at them,

"Who are you and what do you want! You can't just barge into MY castle!" He roared, making their mother flinch, and perk up.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

While Sara, Kat, and Emerald went through the front of the castle, Git, Rich, Leo, and Jaya, who was now in human form, went in through the basement trapdoor, which was never guarded, Git had said. In fact, it was an old family secret that most of the family forgot! But Kat, Git, and Sara knew, and passed on their secret to their friends.

"Well, back at the palace Malooma..." Git sighed, having memories of his parents. They had died in prison because they couldn't pay their debts.

"Let's go before anyone sees us." Jaya whispered, snapping Git out of gloomy memory lane.

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