Chapter 9

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It was the next day Ada once again appeared at her door. She had wanted to question her on precisely how and why the Shelby's all had her address written down, although she knew it would be due to her older brother. Rose had finished Grace's dress, departing with the red silk like it was her child and Rose was not ready to send it to it's first day at school. The idea to be a conqueror didn't quash the jealousy she felt whilst Grace tried the dress on, as even if Tommy had eyes for her, he would for Grace certainly too once he saw her in it. Suppose that was Rose's fault for not sabotaging it.

Should she have? Should she have left the fabric translucent or with the beads barely holding on? If her growing feelings for Tommy were enough for clear jealousy, why did she not just demand he takes her instead of Grace. Business. That's what it all came down to. Grace was still going on business, so a side of Rose hoped that would mean Tommy would hardly care about the dress, like he did when she brought it up those nights ago.

Why deny it any longer? Rose indeed had feelings enough to still feel envy for a business trip for her friend. Her own friend she would spend evenings talking with. All because of a man so peculiar. It was all business with him, as if enjoyment was so private you would not have ever known he knew the word. Was that the same for all Shelby's? Surely not, as Ada did not seem to be on business as she stormed open Rose's door in a scruffy wedding dress and flushed cheeks.

"What the hell's going on?" Rose put her book down, scrunching up her face as she took note of her attire.

"Me and Freddie are getting married, and we need a witness. You're the only one I know won't stop us," she explained, bobbing up and down by the door, "quickly before someone sees!"

"Oh-" Rose caught on, their marriage not exactly being one that anyone had to know about. Clearly meaning one her family did not know about. Grabbing a coat, Rose rushed out after her, Ada already running down the stairs as Rose locked up behind them. And the two clashed on the street, Ada taking Rose's hand and sprinting, for her life and for her future.

She understood that if any peaked hat saw them that would be it. Tommy would find out, especially with Rose on her arm. Though as their hair flew back in the wind and their laughs and screams bounced off the concrete, Ada did not care that the whole street could see them. For once she could not care for the eyes that saw her as a Shelby, for she would not hold that name for much longer.

Once they reached the channel, Freddie was waiting, tossing his cigarette away when he saw them. His muted brown suit clashed with Ada's, clearly not meaning to dress as Ada intended. And his surprised expression only forced that further, mixed between a grin and an incoming scold.

"Ada, what the hell?" He stepped towards them and gave a questioning look to Rose.

"I dared myself to run through their territory in my dress," she caught his look and waved a hand to Rose, "I trust her Freddie, and we need a witness."

"Are you mad?" He grinned.

"Yeah. Mad as hell with all of then," she laughed as he took her face into his hands.

"I love you," and they kissed and Rose held back smiles once again. The idea of a wedding excited her as many. Even if it would be small and hidden from prying eyes, nothing would stop her from making sure it was at the very least pleasurable for them both.

"Come on you too!" She grabbed their arms and pulled them down the channel, but Ada pulled back.

"Wait, the more times they try and stop me the more I want to do it. How do I look?" She asked them both, but her eyes were locked in Freddie's.

He looked her up and down and his smiled widened, brightening his face lighter than the white trying to reach through the smog, "like an angel."

She chuckled and took his hand, the two of them hoping over puddles hand in hand, Rose following behind. She couldn't care less for what Freddie's beliefs were, as nothing would please her more than to see a friend happy. They were meant for each other, two doves found amongst the ash.

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