Chapter 17

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Rose had been on of plenty dates. Her worst had been with Micheal Robinson when she was around 13, mostly because he thought taking her to see his cows would be interesting. Then it was Robert Smith, who at 15 tried to get her drunk on his father's beer, which ended with her slapping him and having to walk all the way home. And then Luke Tomlinson, he was the only charmer in the village. And he picked Rose. Their dates were special because unlike many of the other boys, he enjoyed walks and flowers and would ask her to read to him under the stars. Of course, reading under candle light would be difficult, but it wouldn't matter when it was Luke watching you.

Rose wondered what type of date Tommy would take her on as she decided her dress. Was he much of a horse rider? Was he the type to want to venture out into the night? Or was he a sit down to dinner type of man, the one to take you to the pictures and put his arm around your shoulder. Rose held dress after dress up against herself and none of them matched where she imagined he would take her. So she decided on something simple, nothing too glam or outgoing for Tommy Shelby. She couldn't imagine he would know much about dresses anyway, apart from having a sister.

It flowed just below the knee and although probably unpractical for such weather, Rose didn't mind. Twirling around her flat she didn't mind, the teal silk was perfect. It was a shift between blue and green like the ocean at dusk, neither more strong than the other. It was one of the only dresses she owned that she didn't make herself, but was a gift from her parents. Part of her wanted to rip open her letter to them just to tell them she's going on a date. They would be excited. Her collar bones showed from the v-neck of the bodice, just falling off her shoulders enough not to be too risky. She hoped he would like it, standing in front of her mirror. It was opposite to the colour of a rose and yet... Couldn't be more perfect.

It would be a shame to cover it in a coat, but she would have to to protect it from the soot and wondering eyes. Although afternoon it was still terribly cold and terribly misty, Rose hugging herself not to let any of the breeze affect her. It wasn't much of a walk from her flat to his house and yet it felt like an eternity as she contemplated in her mind how the evening was to go. Of course, if he does receive his betting license, than she would have no doubt the evening will be swell. But if he didn't, she was not sure if she could be what brightens him up. After all, he was difficult to get to smile alone.

When she reached the Shelby residence there were the sounds of cheers inside, and Rose warmed as she made her way closer. Quickly checking over her shoulder, she found the same policeman watching her, but that time he glanced away. Rolling her eyes she lifted a hand to knock on the door, having to do so loudly so they could actually hear her inside. The door opened to Polly who was laughing and smiling wider than she'd ever seen. Scanning down to where her dress peaked out the bottom of her coat, she gave Rose a knowing look, ushering her inside.

"From the sounds of things, all has gone well?" Rose guessed and Polly shook her head gladly.

"You should ask him yourself dear," Polly ushered her to take off her coat, and as she did the woman widened her eyes, "oh Rose."

From behind them they could hear the bellows of John wondering exactly who was at the door. He stumbled in with a mug of beer in his hand, coming to a halt when he saw Rose standing there. Whistling lowly, taking out his toothpick to get a good look at her. Rose blushed as she found she always did, and would probably continue to do when she found Tommy.

"He finally taking you out then?" John wondered.

"Looks that's way."

"Well come on, he's gonna wanna see you like this," John waved a hand for her to follow him into the betting den where the rest of the men were celebrating.

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