Chapter 42

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The Garrison was heaving, they could tell as they descended the pathway towards it. Rose was beginning to get used to cobblestones and pavements that the gravel underneath her feet was becoming tedious on her heels. Men stumbled past them as Ada wrapped her arm in Rose's snugly, trying to balance Karl on the other arm. The familiar Birmingham cold was chilly but brought reminiscent looks on both their faces, even Karl felt at home.

Shining like they captured the sun behind its black brick, what once exploded and broke down, was now the beacon for the Peaky Blinders. Men saw their luck to be stood outside it, drink in hand and silver in their cap. With their business successful many faces seemed permanently secure, not just happy but content in their security. The security that Tommy gave them. Although the memories of Sabini plagued dark alleyways they passed, when she was with Ada in a pretty dress heading to busyness, Rose could settle the pounding in her chest.

As they entered they both chuckled as it seemed only gold was allowed to be used. It was on the bannisters, on the bars, on the backs of chairs in between red velvet, like the curtains. It was an over the top display of wealth Rose never thought Tommy the type to want to show off. Maybe the other men who spoke so smugly to the ladies they brought with them, as if they had a bigger hand than they did, but not Tommy. All the men in their identical haircuts made it difficult at first to spot any Shelby, but they saw Polly first. She giggled with a stranger dramatically, clearly having a few drinks before they arrived. But no Tommy, not yet.

"Ada! Rose! I didn't know you two were coming," Polly gleamed as she spotted the two of them, gliding her way over in her silk fur coat hanging off her shoulder. She gave them both hugs and said hello to Karl. Soon Esme appeared with them, saying hello to them both as she took Karl from Ada. Drunkenly Polly was the most affectionate she ever was, gripping her glass and cigarette in one hand.

"Oh Ada, why don't you think about coming home?" She spoke, Ada fumbling to speak before another voice called for her.

"Hello Ada."

Just by his voice, Polly had switched off and was leaving for the bar, a pair of awkward glances on Rose and Ada's faces as Tommy made his way over to them. He passed Ada a drink and slipped his arm round Rose's waist, a light squeeze finding its way to her. Rose smiled.

"Tommy..." Ada said slowly.

"So what do you both think eh?" He wondered.

Rose chuckled, "it's very..."


"Yeah," she nodded up to him and he concealed his smile from her loosely.

They wandered over to where the rest of the clan were, John jumping up to say hello to them both. He shouted out to Arthur who was rustling around the bar, the man yelling his appraisals across to them which made them all laugh. So soon John was heading to him to drag him away, the two of them never changing. When he was gone and it was the three of them again, Tommy huddled closer.

"So what d'you want me to say to her?" Ada raised a brow at Polly.

"Just talk to her," Tommy said, "no one can get through to her. Tell her I had no choice. I appreciate this."

Ada nodded and slipped past him to where Polly was at the bar. Then Tommy's head turned to her, a mixture of expressions on his face Rose was trying to read all at once. She knew he would know about Alfie, that he would be happy to see her, but there was a third that couldn't hide from her. He tilted her chin up and kissed her softly.

"Let's get this off eh?" He pushed her coat off her shoulders and rested it on the chair to her left. She was grateful as it was hot in the tightly packed room, but she was also sure he wanted to see the lilac dress she wore underneath.

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