Chapter 4 ~ The Triple K

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I tossed my bags onto the the unoccupied bed, and Kayleigh sat down on the edge of her bed.

"I'm sorry about those two.  They can't seem to stop themselves, you'd think that by 23, they'd mature, even a little bit.", Kayleigh apologized.

"No problem, I have two brothers myself, and I can't exactly say that they're much better." I smiled back at her.

"Ha ha, yeah.  I suppose all brothers act like 5 year olds," she amended, "Trust me, I know." I grinned, giggling.

Kayleigh was around 5' 6" just a bit shorter than me, with dark chocolate eyes and auburn hair.  All in all she was really pretty. 

"So Kayleigh, um I guess, seeing as we'll be roomates for the next year or so....I think we should get to know each other.", I was attempting to make conversation.....and I'm not great at it.  Cassia was always better than I was. 

"Sure! Well, uh full name: Kayleigh Evelyn Williams.  Age 19. I have two older twin brothers...Karswell Edward Williams and Kayden Elijah Williams, Karswell is two minutes older....they're both 23. I also have a little sister named Kayla Emmalyn Williams...who is favourite colour is royal blue...and I'm from Rochford, Essex.. Oh, and I'm also really into photography!", After listing the facts and numbering them off on her fingers, she turned her head and expectantly looked at me, "What about you?"

I took a deep breath, and started.."My name is Luella Elisa from the house of Altamirano...I'm 19 too, I have an older brother, Mateo Javier, 26 and a younger, Justin Rafael who is 15. My favourite colour is lime green, I'm from Barcelona, Spain, and I would love to study in the fashion industry."

"Wait.....what do you mean the house of Altamirano?" she asked.

Uh oh.

How do I tell her I'm a princess?

Should I?

Should I not?


I wish I didn't have to deal with this.....but wishing is for naive idiots....

Justin is so lucky he doesn't have to deal with this yet.

But I want Kayleigh to be my friend!

Can I trust her?

Should I just keep it a secret?

I realized that a few minutes have gone by and Kayleigh was starting to look at me a little suspisciously. 

Gosh, Luella! Think of something fast!

" see.... at home....erg....we....have some.....different.....?"

Kayleigh just chuckled and laughed at my gibberish sentence.

"Relax Luella! I just wanted to ask in case you or your family were in a gang or something..." she beamed and then turned serious."Wait, you're not in a gang are you?"

I almost choked on my saliva laughing at her outrageous question. "Wow, you actually think I'm in a gang...?"

She turned a little defensive,"Well, you never know, there are some weird and scary people out there."

Suddenly we both thought of her brothers...Looking at each other we grinned. "Yeah, some scary and weird people...."

"No seriously though, I'm not in a gang." I managed to get out, after we had finished laughing our guts out.

"Oh thank god," she joked, "I was scared for a minute there."

At that comment, we both started cracking up again.

And that, is how I became besties, or B.F.F.L.'s, whateva you call it..... with Kayleigh Evelyn Williams.


Hey guys!

I finally learned how to use the italics and the bold buttons! Aren't you proud of me? Anyways, fun chapter here, you get to learn about Kayleigh, and a bit about Luella and the twins... Isn't it funny how easy it is the make friends? It's like, one second  you'd be talking and the next...BOOM! you're besties.... LOL. Hope you liked this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment and tell your friends about it please!! I really want more people to share this story with!!!

Thanks guys! (well I'm pretty sure that you guys are all girls....but if you're reading this and you're a guy....well then, hey there! I hope you like this story too!)

K.. I think this is a good time for me to shut up now....

Anyways..... hmm...i say anyways a lot.

Anyways......(see there it is again, well that's kinda because I didn't get to finish my last sentence)

Stay tuned!! (wait but this is a story not a tv show....oh wtf.)


"Well that escalated quickly."



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