Chapter 1 ~ Kicked out of my own country

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Hey guys, this is my first story, I'm also fairly new at this so please don't judge too harshly.  I'd love some constructive feedback though. I have another life as well as one on wattpad so I may update pretty slowly, so I'm asking you to bear with me here. I know that some of the characters don't fit their nationalities in real life, but that is just how my story goes. So, please, bear with me.

Picture of Luella on the side. 

Song of this chapter is: Oh No! by Marina and the Diamonds because I think it describes Luella perfectly!

This chapter is dedicated to KnightsRachel, for being the very first wattpad author I've ever read. :)


Luella's POV

"What were you thinking?!" , my mother scrutinized me with her forever cold brown eyes, "This is hardly the behaviour of a princess! That's it! You're going to Canada!"

Hardly a princess this, hardly a princess that, after dealing with 18 years of being told how I was supposed to act, I'd had it. I knew I was the princess of Spain, but for once in my life I would have been liked to be able to act like a normal person. Well, as normal as I could be. My mother, the queen was the hardest on me, and this time she had made up her mind, that she would send me to a far away country to learn my lesson. Well the jokes on her, being shipped overseas, would be the best thing thats happened to me this year.

"Luella! Are you even listening to me?" She leaned her head back, closed her eyes, and pinched the bridge of her pale nose in disgust.

"I've had enough of you, young lady, come fall, you'll be on a plane heading to Nova Scotia." and with that comment, she ushered me out and slammed the door in my face. I could hear the ringing in my ears. Just as I was about to scream in fustration a familiar voice came from behind me.

"Weeeelllllll....Looks like somebody's in trouble....."

I span around on the cold marble floor to face the laughing brown eyes of my 15 year old brother, Justin.

"JUSTIN! YOU'RE BACK!" I hurried to squish him in a massive bear hug, ignoring his cries of protest, "You don't know how much I've missed my little ragamuffin..."

"Hey!" he struggled, fighting to get out of my grasp, "I'm not little, or a ragamuffin..."

I smiled. It felt good to have my little brother back. He had grown up quite a bit too.  Gone was the squeaky high pitched voice, and the skinny frame.  And my god! He was almost as tall as me. His new ruffled hairstyle, which was all the talk back in America, was carefully styled into a neat quiff. Wait, if Justin was back, that meant Mateo was as well....

"Does that mean someone's forgotten about me? Well then, I'll just hop on a 7 hour flight back to Canada then..."

I jumped around, with a grin from ear to ear, to face my smirking older brother Mateo.

"And how is our nation's finest crown prince doing?" I teased.

"Quite well. And our princess?"

"UGH, she's about to kill herself, because she gets solitary confinement, while her brothers get to be big famous celebrities in America." I groaned.

"Come on, it can't be that bad can it? You're the princess for god's sake." He reasoned.

I looked at him with as much sarcasm as I could muster. "Are you for real? The Queen's sending me off with you guys in the fall. I can't freaking wait!!" I was this close to tearing my hair out.

"Seriously, Luella. What did you do this time?"

"Er, ..well", i mischieviously grinned at the floor, "Imayhavereplacedherperfulmewithvinegarandalsoloosenedthescrewsonhernewdesk."

Mateo just chuckled and ran a hand through his hair.  He knew I was like this. I'd always been.  Ever since I was a wee little thing.  Ugh, I never liked the word "wee" it gave me shivers.  

"Well then I guess it's lucky we're back to keep you in line then?" he gave me a jokingly stern glare, fighting a losing battle with the laugh threatening to spill out. 

"Oh please.  Us? Keep Lu in line? In your dreams Mat. Like that's ever gonna happen." From my peripheral vision I saw Justin roll his eyes as he came around from behind me to smirk at the both of us. What? I slapped him on the back of his head.  I wasn't that bad.  C'mon seriously guys?

Noticing that I had become the main target of all their jokes, I decided to change the subject. "What's Canada like?" I cocked my head, waiting for an answer from either one of the guffawing boys beside me. Instead of getting one, my older brother just gave me his signature mysterious smile and cheekily wiggled his eyebrows.

"You'll see." 

Should I be worried?


Erg...I'm not really happy with this first chapter, but I had to start somewhere.  It sounds too cliche. I hate cliches. oh whatever...

hey guys thank you so much for reading the first chapter and giving my story a chance! thank you so much!

don't forget to comment and vote!  

I appreciate all constructive feedback!!


lux ;)

"If you love something set it free.....well unless it's a tiger."

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