Chapter 6~Surrounded by the "flourishing" hunks of Burberry

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The original cast picture on the side was supposed to be Cassia....but who the hell wouldn't want to look at Troye and Connor! So pic on the side is Troye and Connor played by Jake Abel and Max Irons

I hurled out of bed and threw on whatever was on top in my suitcase.  It happened to be a cute white lace dress, light denim jacket, and I picked out a pair of brown gladiator sandals.  I pulled my hair back into a neat ponytail, put on some light makeup, grabbed my old fashioned messenger bag and rushed out the door.  And nearly forgot my keys sitting on my bed side table.

Slowly edging the auditorium doors open, I slipped inside and squinted my eyes looking for Kayleigh or Cassia. I managed to find them sitting with who I assumed to be Karswell and Kayden, as well as some other guys.  

Tip toeing and constantly whispering, "excuse me" or "I'm sorry" I finally made my way to the seat that Kayleigh had saved for me. Kayden who was in the row behind us, leaned down and whispered, "Good job Luella, only ten minutes late.", he then turned his head to the right to smirk at Karswell who was rolling his eyes. "Karswell owes me five bucks."

That was all Kayden got to say, because after that, Kayleigh smashed her palm into her older brother's face, pushed him back into his own seat and muttered, "If you two bet on anything else, you'll both be broke."

I grinned at her. Then a thought crossed my mind....

"Wait how did you two meet?". I asked flipping my head back and forth between Cassia and Kayleigh.

Kayleigh stifled a laugh, "Wellll, I found her standing right outside our door trying to call you to get you to wake up."

I sheepishly protested, "I am not a morning person, okay?"

Kayden coughed into his hand, failing to hide his comment, "We noticed."

I leaned back and flicked him in the knee. "Oh shut up."

Cassia looked at me with her eyebrows raised. "Are you two done flirting yet?"

I could feel myself growing horribly red in the face.  "What? No! We weren't....I wasn't.....UGH I cannot believe the lot of you!"

Kayleigh and Cassia both burst out laughing at the cost of my humiliation, (what great friends I have!) and with what seemed like eternity, Kayleigh finally acheived the breath to speak.  

Gesturing to the three guys sitting beside Karswell, "Sorry guys, our manners have disappeared.  Luella, Cassia, meet Callum, Troye, and Connor." (A/N I just realized I have a weird obsession with names starting with a C or K.)

OMG.  I cccccccan't believe I didn't notice them before.  Because seriously, the three of them looked like they just walked out of an ad from Burberry.  Except for how they dressed.  Seriously though, who would ever wear an outfit from Vogue in public? Like for real, have you seen those costumes? But to be honest, Karswell and Kayden could probably fit right in, in a fashion magazine.  Of course, pretty people hanging with pretty people. How did I manage to fit in?

I shook myself out of my little "hot guy spaz attack" and realized that one of them was waving to me.  

"Nice to meet you guys," he grinned, "I'm Troye."

Troye seemed really nice, like genuinely nice, totally different from the "I don't care what the world thinks" image he has.

He had flashy smile and a personable movie star quality.  It seemed quite fitting that he would be best friends with Kayden and Karswell.  Sounding incredibly girly, but my stomach was doing flips at how pretty and green his eyes were....

"Take a picture, it last longer." He grinned.

Oh crap. Not again. Was I staring? I wasn't staring for too long was I?

"Yeah you were," whispered Kayleigh.  And here I go speaking my thoughts out loud! Well this day just couldn't get any better.

"S'alright Luella, happens all the time," Troye turned to his left, "and this is my man Callum."

Callum who was staring down at his phone with a frown on his face looked up at the sound of his name.

"S'up Luella.  Cassia." Then he went back to his personal staring contest with his phone.

"Don't mind him.  He's just grumpy." Said who I now figured out to be Connor, "Aren't you a little grumpy-wumpy..." he teased, messing up Callum's already half-styled bed-head.  I tilted my head and squinting my eyes I looked at Connor...

"....wait a second.  Do I know you?"

At this simple question, Kayden, Karswell, Kayleigh, and Troye all burst out laughing.  

In between chuckles, Karswell managed to get out, "I told you.......'ll....never it down!"

Meanwhile Connor just sat there with a puppy-pouty yet murderous look on his face. I looked between the lot of them, obviously confused.

"Live what down?" I questioned.

Troye looked at me took a deepth breath and said "Once upon a time, in a land not so faraway, it all started in senior year when Connor-" Speaking of Connor, Connor had leaned over Callum who was between them, and who by the way ignored our antics this entire time, shoved both his palms up against Troye's mouth to prevent him from telling his story.

"What the hell man? I thought we agreed to keep this under wraps!" exclaimed Connor.

"And technically, I am keeping this "under wraps." But this is important to your history and therefore Luella must know." he said in mock seriousness, barely keeping a smile from creeping onto his face.

"Oh dear god please help me." sighed Connor who face-palmed and leaned back into his seat, deciding there was no way to stop Troye from telling his story. 

 "As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted," Troye shot a death-glare at Connor, "During senior year, Connor was approached by an agent. What kind of agent you say?", he was clearly having fun with this, drawing out Connor's agony. "Why, a modeling agent! So as January rolled by, Connor was featured in Burberry's ad for their new line." Aha! I knew it! Burberry! I patiently waited as Troye continued his story, "And that's not all, he was featured in GQ as the youngest and well, apparently they think, and I quote this directly, most inspiring model, who will "flourish" in the fashion industry. The End!"

Kayden was laughing his butt off. "Seriously, who uses the word flourish to describe a guy?"


Wassup ma CREW?

I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry for not uploading a new chappie in a really long time.... but exams are rolling around! Ugh EXAMS! The dreaded Exams! I counted and I apparently have seven.  WHO ThE HELL hAS SEVEN? speaking of exams, I should probably be studying right now, but. ya know whatevs.  Ermagerd, imagine if you were luella.  Surrounded by FIVE freaking male models.  I looooove Max Irons.  *sigh* it's never gonna happen. Hope I can upload soon! This chapter was originally gonna be about something else, but I just had so much fun with these characters that I basically just threw my plans out the window. This is a kinda long authors note.  Comment "My amahzing skillz just made pancakes." if you read this entire Author's note! Thank you guys so much for reading my story, and please keep reading!!!

until next we meet,


xx ;)


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