Chapter 8 ~ Best friends and other horrid inventions

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Laughing as I walked out of the auditorium alongside Kayleigh and Cassia, I pulled my hair into a ponytail.

“Wow, that was a welcome surprise.” Breathed Cassia.

“Yeah it was fun!” I commented. “Is that what they do every year?”

Kayleigh looked at me incredulously. “If it had happened like it did every year, you would only get to hear the dean talk more about how their macaroni and cheese is…” she impersonated his voice, “top-notch.”

Cassia and I burst out laughing.

Kayleigh continued.  “No.  This is how I do it.”

I high-fived Kayleigh, “And it will be times like these where I can’t believe you’re MY roommate.”

Callum came running up to us from behind. He flashed a quick smile at Kayleigh and Cassia, then turned to me.

“Hey I think I lost my number.  Can I have yours?”

I rolled my eyes, pushed him aside and kept walking. Cassia, however, grabbed his arm to keep him from running after me.  I stopped and turned around to listen, wondering what she would say.

“Don’t.  Don’t even try.  She won’t fall for that kind of stupid stuff.” She lectured.

Cocking her head, she thought for a moment.  “You know what? I like you.  She may not, since you have the worst attitude ever, but I think deep down you’re a really nice guy. You know, under the stereotypical bad boy look, and under the arrogant ass. Don’t blow it.” She took out a pen, grabbed his arm, and began scrawling something on his arm.

Callum raised an eyebrow.  “You gave me your phone number?”

“Maybe.” Responded Cassia mysteriously, “Maybe it’s mine maybe it’s not.  I suggest you call it and see.”

No. She wouldn’t have.

Callum pulled out his phone and dialed in the number on his arm.

Suddenly I heard my ringtone go off in my purse. Callum took the phone off his ear and tossed it in his hand, obviously pleased.

I glared at Cassia.  “You wouldn’t.”

My "so-called" best friend grinned. “But I just did.”

Callum was still looking at me.

“Awesome.” He smiled, yet managed to look more like a wolf accepting a challenge.

Oh, fuck my life. 


Whassup amigos?

So really short chappie, but I wanted to end it there and have it published first.  So same as always, after a short chappie a new one always comes out faster!

I’m not at home right now so I don’t have internet but I’ll publish it when I get home. I have the first song from the Beauty and the Beast movie stuck in my head.  “Look there she goes that girl is strange but special, a most peculiar mademoiselle!” I recommend you guys go search it up. I think it’s one of my favourite Disney songs. Plus have you guys seen the vine of James Franco and the PB and J? “James Franco…Uh Huh, and a Peanut Butter J!” I had that stuck in my head all day yesterday and the day before that. Yeah I know I’m obsessed with the Franco brothers.  Sadly, there’s no cure.  Not that I want to be cured. ;)

Thanks again for reading my humble story.

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“And I’m sorry for, you know, beating you up.”

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