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A little less than a half hour later he wakes up, and by this time his knot has diminished enough for him to pull out of Louis carefully. He rolls over until he's lying on his back beside the omega, and stares up at the ceiling, still unable to believe he's really here right now with Louis.

Louis startles awake at the loss of contact and flips over until his side so he's facing Harry. For some reason Harry expects to see the normal Louis he's known for years, but again he's greeted by the face of a passionate, lustful omega. His gaze is dark, heavy, and penetrating, and everything within it conveys desire.

"Again?" Harry asks tentatively, half-asking for permission and half-stalling. He presses his thumb against the flesh of Louis' hip to punctuate his question.

Louis surges forward and kisses him with energy and desperation, slotting their bodies together until no space remains between them. Harry lets the kissing and the grasping happen for a while before he presses Louis' back to the mattress and fucks into him again.

The two of them last no more than ten minutes, and then again Harry is collapsing on top of him and gathering the omega in his arms.

They both fall asleep immediately this time, another fitful thirty minutes of shallow slumber, and wake once again when Louis fidgets and moans.

The night goes just like this, fucking and cuddling and sleeping then fucking again. Harry tires sooner than Louis, because even though he's physically stronger, he isn't driven by the same motivation. By four in the morning he's lying splayed out on his back, Louis on top of him, their hands clasped and entangled between them for support.

As tired as he is Harry likes this, likes watching Louis take control and fuck himself on Harry. Using Harry's body for his own pleasure. Harry especially likes that it's he himself who is making Louis feel good, and not any other alpha. That little detail is particularly nice.

Harry has lost count of the rounds by the time the sun begins to rise. Golden light filters in from the cracks in the blinds as Louis falls forward and snuggles closer, Harry's knot still deep within him.

"Sleepy," Louis mumbles into Harry's shoulder, eyelids fluttering closed.

"Good, baby," he responds breathlessly, already drifting off and hoping it's for longer than a half hour this time. "Go to sleep."

They drift off together again, chasing sleep to diminish their deep-set exhaustion.

Love is like this; not a heartbeat, but a moanWhere stories live. Discover now