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Except it is a problem. It's a very bad problem. Like, a very bad problem, because Harry is very hopelessly enamored by Louis and there's nothing he can do about it.

They're driving home now, halfway there already. Louis has the radio turned up and is singing along obnoxiously to every song. Sometimes Harry joins in but most of the time he just clenches the steering wheel and tries to keep the swells of butterflies in his stomach at bay.

"I smell like you," Louis observes at a break in between songs.

Harry's stomach twists uncomfortably again, his palms beginning to sweat. Jesus Christ, he's really in deep.

"You do," Harry agrees, a strange streak of remorse in the tone of his voice. He doesn't admit that he really likes the concept of Louis smelling like him.
"My entire family is gonna know."

"It's no big deal; I didn't bond you or anything." Maybe that's where the remorse is coming from... that deep disgusting primal part of Harry wishes he had done what he really wanted and just bitten Louis' neck despite Louis explicitly telling him not to bond him.

"Yeah, and that makes it worse."

"Why does that make it worse?"

"Because everyone'll think I'm fucking around."

"It doesn't matter, Lou." What he doesn't say is, aren't you fucking around, though?

"It does to me. And they know what you smell like. So they'll knows it's you."

"It's fine. I don't care. We know the truth and that's enough for me. Just take, like, a really long shower."

"You know it doesn't work like that."

"Yeah, well, I don't know what else to tell you." Harry accelerates past a car that's going exactly the speed limit, feeling agitated.

"Come with me?"


"To the wedding. Come with me."

"That- that doesn't solve anything."

"I don't care. Come with me."

Ridiculous. Louis is absolutely ridiculous.

But, lucky for him, Harry is kinda ridiculous too.

"I wasn't invited," Harry argues weakly and halfheartedly, already conceding.

Louis can clearly see he's already given up the fight. He smiles like a cat catching a mouse. "You actually were invited," he admits, "but I stole the invitation out of the stack before Tommy mailed them. So."

Harry gasps, affronted. "Why would you do that?!"

But it kinda makes sense. Louis had straight-up ignored Harry for eight entire years, and his sister (who was still very kind to Harry and would often make small-talk with him when they had the opportunity) invited Harry to her wedding. What was Louis supposed to do? (Well, the reasonable person would suffer through the awkwardness but of course Louis is ridiculous and decided to steal the invitation before Harry could even think about attending.)

Louis shrugs nonchalantly. "Not important. Just. Come with me."

Harry presses his lips together. He contemplates.

He gives in.

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