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Mending their relationship takes time. It goes slowly, at first, as Louis grows from his resentment of alphas and Harry learns to understand the hardships omegas face every day. They spend almost all of their time together, regretfully neglecting their other friends and other obligations.

But Harry knows this is important so he doesn't question it, or try to stop it.

They grow together now like they grew up together before, learning from each other, transforming each other into better people. They complement each other. Where one is flawed, the other is more perfect. Where one is belligerent, the other is benevolent. Where one is broken, the other is brave.

Even their biology is complementary. As they slowly unravel and grow closer together, Harry and Louis find this is a fact they can't ignore. It's a shame, really, that it's quite difficult for A's and O's to just remain friends. Sad, even, in most cases. Except in this case it just feels right.

It's Sunday morning again, although it's months later from that first time they met in the coffee shop, and now instead of frigid spring it's deep in summer. Warm and sunny and blissfully serene. Summer has always been a dream, though it's quite tragic and lonely when spent without a lover. Luckily, Harry has his best friend back, so he doesn't feel the wistful longing of deep July as much as he used to.

Louis is sleeping in Harry's bed, actually. Which is, well. Nice. Even if Harry is on the floor.
The story goes like this: Louis came over to Harry's flat that Saturday night, and they turned the AC on as high as it would go so they could bundle up beneath the duvet, snuggling into its warmth as they watched a handful of films late into the night. They had been drinking, not much, just a few glasses of red wine spread out within the span of hours. Still, when the last movie ended and Louis could barely keep his eyes open, Harry assured him it was fine if he stayed over. No problem, in fact. Harry would just take the floor so as not to overstep any boundaries.

Well, with the situation of Louis sleeping over came the inevitable Harry-and-Louis-waking-up-together. Which was pleasant, especially on a beautiful summer Sunday morning.

"Harry," Louis whispers into the stillness of the sunny room, shifting so his nose is no longer pressed into Harry's pillow. Harry has the feeling Louis had been scenting it all night, which, again, not that Harry minds. In fact he likes the thought of Louis enjoying his scent.



Harry stands up easily and stretches his arms above his head, tilting his head back like he does in yoga during sun salutations. Then he answers to the sound of Louis voice and approaches the bed.

"Come closer," Louis mumbles, probably still dizzy from sleep. His voice is lighter and softer than usually, which must be how it always is in the mornings.

Harry savors this revelation and sits beside Louis on the edge of the mattress. "Yes?"

"Closer," Louis urges, sleepily tugging him down so he's lying next to Louis. He arranges the duvet so that it's covering Harry, then leans his head back down on the silk pillowcase. Like this, their faces are only centimeters apart. They share breaths.

"Good morning," Harry chimes quietly, happy and content to just simply be. Be here, right now, beside Louis. A dream.

Louis gently pushes Harry over so he's lying on his back. Then he climbs on top of him.

The thing is, it's completely expected. And that's what makes it so great.

Harry always thought soulmates were supposed to cause butterflies and fireworks. Now he knows from experience that true soulmates aren't excitatory. Instead, they're calming. Like cool river water washing over the reeds, pulling on them with a gentle current beneath the midday sun, Louis is soothing to Harry. With him, his heartbeat slows and his breath normalizes. He feels completely and wholly at peace, and that is beautiful.

Louis, on top of Harry, presses his palms into Harry's biceps and squeezes them teasingly before running his fingertips down Harry's skin. Harry closes his eyes, content, and lets Louis do as he pleases.

Everything feels right. Even when Louis leans down and brushes his lips softly against Harry's. Harry feels that calm, cool river lapping over his insides and he relaxes into Louis' touch, kissing back. It's much, much different from the time they spent together so many months ago, during Louis' heat. Back then they were rushed and impatient and extremely passionate.

Now, though they have that same passion, they take things slowly. They have all day to explore each other and get used to the feeling of being so close, even though it's already so familiar.

Harry sighs happily and waits until Louis is preoccupied trailing his fingers beneath Harry's shirt before he kisses down Louis neck, licking at the spot between collarbone and neck. The spot that will one day hold a pretty bite mark.

"Do it," Louis advocates, petting Harry's hair with one hand and squeezing Harry's hip with the other.

Harry shakes his head and reaches up to kiss Louis' jaw. Then his cheek. Then his lips.

"Soon, baby, I promise."

They kiss lazily all day, staying in bed and enjoying the lovely summer sun filtering in through the large wall of windows. They have time, so they use it, to explore each other. To map out and memorize each other. There's no need to hurry, no rush.

They have all the time in the world.

Love is like this; not a heartbeat, but a moanWhere stories live. Discover now