Why Auradon?!

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Today begins like every other day. Boring as ever and hating on Auradon and how privileged they are. Lucky brats don't have to fight for food or think about if they'll eat today or not. I'm currently sitting at the bar in Ursula's Chippe Shop. It was pretty quiet considering the fact that both Gil and Harry are out doing who knows what. So I was stuck here bored out of my mind waiting for something to happen. "Hey Liam someone is here to see you!" I heard one of the various pirates call out.

Now who in their right mind would come down to visit little old me. Then again who visits anyone on the Isle. I went out to see who it was and there stood Mal. She looks like she got a stick shoved up there. I waited for her to speak, because I'm not willing to let her know that I talk just yet. She's one of the many people who don't know I can speak.

I only speak to those I like and she isn't one of them. "You're coming to Auradon whether you like it or not." Of course the thinks she can order me around. Because she's Maleficent's kid and all but I don't move. Instead I walk back into the restaurant type thing and ignore Mal calling after me. Why do I have to go it's not like there's anything in it for me. That's when I heard someone walk in. It was none other than Maleficent herself. I guess someone decided to tattle on me to their mom.

I turned around and met the eyes of the dark fairy. "You will go to Auradon. You were chosen to go by order of the soon to be king. Your father has already been informed of this." Even though she's known as the 'mistress of evil' I just stared at her as if she lost her mind. Not even Maleficent knows I can speak. "How about this, you can keep the wand once I'm done with it?" Now she's talking my language. A gamble is at stake here a silent bet is made. But that's not a worthy price for me. "You can have all the money there and open that casino of yours there too."

I let out a breath and nodded in agreement. That's one offer I can't refuse. I own a casino here on the Isle where washed up villians go to waste their money and kill time. Maleficent smiles and walks out. Mal lingered outside a bit longer waiting for something. Maleficent called for Mal to follow her and she reluctantly did.

Way to go me now I have to go to a preppy place with a bunch of bright colors. I might as well go see my old man and sister to say goodbye. Because I might not see them ever again.

Mini time skip

I just got back from saying bye to them and Uma, Harry, and Gil because they are part of the very few who know I speak. I made my way to the place we're supposed to get picked up by a limo. I had my bag of items. Mal seems to be mad when I got there. I guess I took too long. Oh well, not like I really care.

As I approached closer it seemed to be the angrier she got. "Where have you been?! We are late and behind schedule by twenty minutes!" I gave a blank look and went inside the limo not really caring much about the others in there. Mal got in and the driver closed the door. She sat the farthest away from me. The anger was radiating off of Mal and the others sat there uncomfortable with it. I still had my bag with me so I just pulled out a book. I ignored them the entire time even when Jay and Carlos started fighting over the colorful stuff.

Out of no where when Evie looked out the window. "It's a trap!!" They all started screaming bloody murder. It hurt my ear to listen to. I scoffed at them when they realized that we're on a magic bridge. "It must be magic." Ugh Evie can't be more obvious. "Hey! Did this tiny remote open the barrier." Mal never asked always demands. I didn't pay attention to their little conversation instead continued reading my book about different types of gambles.

Once we got to Auradon I could tell as soon as this door opened it would be too bright. Jay and Carlos started fighting over something blue. When the driver opened the door they both fell out. That's when the music stopped and people just stared. Evie was next to step out as she didn't want to be last. Mal was next which I heard a bunch of gasps. I stepped out and pushed Jay out of my way. It was a little hard to do since he was taller than me.

Jay being Jay shoved me back which I was about to hit him until. "Boys! Leave it like you found it. By that I mean just leave it." Oh you've got to be kidding me. It was the old lady herself, Fairy Godmother. Jay threw back whatever he took and so did Carlos. Mal smiled which was so fake it could've very well fit in with every Auradonians smile. They talked for a but and then some guy came forward and introduced himself. He went on a speech as he shook hands with us. Well he hesitated with me. But once he did, he didn't want to seem to let go.

I looked him in the eyes and they reminded me of something. When he finally let go I felt a lingering feeling in the hand he shook. I don't know what this feeling is. This is new to me because there was nothing like this on the Isle. I guess the girl who came up next to him was his girlfriend. She seemed a bit too... how do I put this nicely... uhh.. too clingy. I'm guessing the guy Ben and Audrey as she introduced herself as, where the ideal couple of Auradon. Ugh this place already make me want to go home. I wish I could just leave already.

Okay here's the rewritten chapter. I hope you guys like it. And I'm sorry if you've read the original and like it better. I just needed some fresher ideas to continue writing this series. Anyways I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye~

(1056 words)

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