School Sucks

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After the whole introduction thing with Ben and Audrey they lead us on a tour. I kept to myself as usual. And Mini Beasty kept trying to get me to talk. He went on about the history of the crusty school. We eventually got to a statue of the Beast. Ben clapped his hands and the statue morphed from man to beast. Carlos screamed and clung on to the nearest person. Sadly I had to be standing right behind him. I also had to hold back back my laughter so I wouldn't be forced to speak.

I shoved Carlos off me and he shoved back. It wasn't like Jay's harsh, shove it was more playful. I walked past him and he tried to change the statue back to its original form. Mal called for him and ironically like an obedient dog he listened. For someone who's scared of dogs he acts like one perfectly. Ben droned on more about the school which I gladly ignored. It was what felt like forever when we finally got to know something about where we'll be staying. Ben called someone over which I didn't quite catch the name of who.

He pulled some random guy close to him. "Guys this is Doug, he'll be showing you, your dorms and classes." Oh I guess that was his name. "Hey guys I'm Doug son of Dopey as in Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, and....... Heigh-ho." I'm guessing he was looking at Evie. Every fool falls for her looks, that's how they get stolen from. Evie stepped forward. "Evie. Evil Queen's daughter." She makes it sound like it's the best thing in the world. I just waved my hand as my own introduction. Mal walked over and behind Doug with a piece of candy wrapper in hand.

He started stuttering with what classes we had to take. "I put in some requirements for you guys. History of Woodsmen and Pirates, Internet Safety 101, and... uh.. Remedial Goodness." I flinched when Mal looked over his shoulder. "Let me guess. A new class?" Doug nodded nervously. Poor guy... he had to stand near Mal's stench. "C'mon guys let's go find our dorms." She orders the others. I don't follow them instead I wait for him to tell me where my dorm is. "Liam since we can't have three people in one dorm you'll be rooming with Ben."

I nodded and he pointed where the dorms were at. He then called the others down telling them they went the wrong way. I went to where the dorms were still having my bag with me. It was a force of habit to always have it on hand. Along with weapons. Mainly a dagger or two. Anyways as I ventured my way through the halls. I found my dorm, well more like princy's dorm. It was empty which was not surprising since I doubt that his so called girlfriend would let him go. It was also a very.... colorful room. I really want to go home now.

I heard laughter and footsteps come from the hallway. I quickly closed the door to the dorm room. I don't feel like having an interrogation go down. I heard the door open and saw Ben standing there. I waved at him and he smiled at me. "Hi nice to see you again. I see you have your stuff." I nodded. This guys is awkward on so many levels. "Uh let me show you where you can put your stuff." He show me another room in his dorm and the bathroom we'll share and the closet in the other room.

After the mini tour around the room he seemed to relax a bit. "So mind telling me about yourself." I just stared at him for refusing to talk. "Uhh do you not speak?" I shook my head no as he falls for it. "We have ASL classes here for those who can't speak or talk. Would you like to join one of them? I can get you signed up for one." I shook my head no again because I know a majority of people won't understand anyways. He seemed slightly disappointed that I rejected his offer.

I might as well talk to him at least. He seems like one to keep a secret if asked. "I can speak I just don't like to talk to other people. Also can you keep this between us?" He nodded excitedly that I spoke to him. "Wait, why don't you speak to the other four?" I just sighed before responding to him. "They don't deserve to know I can talk. And I would like to keep it that way." He nodded a but shocked at my tone of voice. It isn't my fault that no one ever spoke to him like that before.

I walked out of the dorm before he could ask anymore questions. I found Jay and Carlos looking around for anyone. I made my way past them knowing they saw me walking by. I quickened my pace as I could here them follow behind. I eventually stopped and turned around. "Mal wants you to come to our dorm and discuss plans." I sighed knowing I have to go if I ever want all the stuff I was promised. So I reluctantly followed them to their dorm room and it was entirely blue. I wonder what the girls dorm looks like.

I can only imagine though, but I bet it's pink. The girls looked up as soon as we entered the room. "We brought so now can we get things started?" Mal nodded and slightly glared at me for having to be here. Everyone else went to do there own thing and Mal lost her temper. "Guys! This is our one chance to prove to our parent that we're mean and rotten." I just rolled my eyes at her. She always needs to prove herself to someone. I just shrug and look around the room. It's a lot smaller than Ben's.

I guess its only because I'm rooming with princy that I've seen bigger. They discussed what to do and how to steal the wand. I tuned out most of it as I wouldn't be taking part of it. At least for now I wouldn't be for now anyways. But right now I'm being forced to go to a museum. This isn't going to end well at all.

Woo second chapter is out and I'm proud of it. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one. Bye~

(1071 words)

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