Chapter 2

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After my injuries healed I was thrown into training. Day in and day out, all day and all night I trained. Muscles in my body became toned and fit. Then the day finally came when I could practice with a wooden sword.

Holding the sword I had no problem with, swinging it was where the difficulty lied. Raising this heavy piece of wood into the air and swinging it back down took a toll on my arms. At the end of the first day practicing with the sword I thought my arms would fall off. The agony and strain on my muscles was crazy. It felt like pins and needles were being stabbed into me every time I moved. Mined you I'm only 7 and Zoro is 9, so his muscles and skills are considerably higher than mine.

In the morning I thought I had gone numb. I could not move no matter how hard I tried. Then I heard the marimo speak. "Hehe tired from training yesterday I see." He smirked at me. "Haven't seen you this exhausted since the day I found you."

I stuck my tongue out at him. "You make me sound like I was a weak lost puppy. Like you found me and had to train me." "Well I'm glad I found you, little puppy Kimiko." He smiled.
I had grown a thing for Zoro over the past few months. I was the only girl at the dojo so the other boys tended to tease me. Whenever the other boys did tease me Zoro was always there.

"Haha look at little Kimiko. The only reason she's hear is because Sensei feels bad for her." All the boys yelled at me, laughing hysterically.
"Oh yeah? Prove it." One of the boys scoffed.
His name was Ryo and he loved to pick on me. "Ryo, she doesn't have to prove anything." Zoro stated back at him. "Well then how do I know she's really as strong as you say?" Ryo mocked back.

Hearing these two fight reminded me of my past. Which was something I didn't like to visit. Pretty soon I was shaking at the memories. Zoro looked at me and sighed. "Fine Ryo, if you wanna battle Kimiko you'll have to battle me first." All the students looked at Zoro. Ryo stammered back "W-well listen Z-Zoro, buddy, I don't think we h-have to take it to that l-level." Clearly Ryo was afraid of Zoro's overwhelming power. Even adults in the area and other neighboring dojos feared him.
*end of flashback*

So yeah, I had grown to like Zoro. But because I had finally found a friend who cares for me I wasn't gonna ask him and make things awkward.

Days and days of training past. Finally I was able to wield one sword with ease.
"Ok now on to the next step!" I shouted with pride.
"What do you mean next step?" Zoro asked.
"Well..." I responded "You use three swords so I wanna you two. I'm gonna train so that I can swing two swords."
"Why don't you want to use three? That means I get 3 katanas and you get 2." Zoro seemed very confused as to why I didn't want 3 katanas.
"Sometimes Zoro less is more. Plus who knows where you'll put your katana. What if you put it in the dirt? I don't wanna put that in my mouth. GROSS!" I made a disgusted face at him. He chuckled "Never thought of it that way."

Now I had to learn to wield a sword in both hands. If one wasn't hard enough training, two was even worse.
To get some legitimate practice my Sensei got matches for me with other people. Even though my arms screeched in pain I would always try my best. I never lost one round.

One day, after a tuff match I walked around and sat under a tree. It was the tree that Zoro had found me sleeping on. I enjoyed sitting here and clearing my thoughts.
This day Zoro decided to sit with me.
"Hey Kimiko..." Zoro started "Do you know what today is?"
"Ummm no not really. Why?"
"Well today is a year from the first day I saw you."
"It is!? It's already been a year!?"
In just one year I had learned to handle two swords and got a friend.
"Yep. So I got you something." Zoro said with a slight smile.
"Oh but I didn't get you anything. Great. Now I look like a terrible friend."
He patted me on the head. "Don't worry about it." He handed me a piece of fruit. "You like sweet fruit right? I found this one so I picked it and brought it here. It grew on this tree so I figured it'd be a nice way to commemorate us meeting." He nodded, content with his answer.
"Z-Zoro..." I held back tears of happiness in my eyes. No one had ever done something so nice for me.
"Just hurry up and eat the fruit Baka." I took it out of his hand and had a bite.

"YUUUUCCCCCKKKK! What did you just make me eat!?" The fruit was terrible. I don't even know how to describe it. It was sour, tart, bitter, dry, all at the same time.
"Was it really that bad?" A slight bit of disappointment crept onto his face.
"Well *gag* it's the thought *burp* that counts. Right?" I gave him a bright smile.

Just then I felt a wave of power surge through my body. My heart started to thump slowly and loudly.
*BUMP*... *BUMP*
My head started to swell in pain. I clutched my forehead trying to make it stop. I knelt down to the ground and screamed in agony. Zoro put his hand on my back "What's wrong?"
"The pain.... The pain Zoro!" I replied.
"Is it because of the fruit?" He sounded a bit concerned but still kept his cool.
"I don't know! AHHHH" my head started spinning.

Just when I thought the pain would never end, it stopped. As if someone flicked a switch, it just ended.
I released my head and sat back up straight. Zoro looked at me, somewhat startled.
"What's wrong Zoro?" I asked in concern.
What is he talking about? Of course I can speak. I tried to stand up but I couldn't. I looked down to see that I now had four legs.
"WHAAAT!? What happened!?" I was now a cheetah.
"How the hell am I supposed to know!?" Zoro said. "Hmmmm try thinking really hard and turn back into a human."
At that point it was the best plan we had. I concentrated really hard and thought about my human form.

I thought about my long blonde hair that came down past my shoulders. I thought about my two toned eyes and long lashes. My eyes were a warm shaded of sea blue with a ring of piercing orange. I thought about my short, white skinned, slightly muscle toned body. As I thought and thought my body slowly returned to normal.

"Phew. That was a close one." I sighed in relief.
"Glad your back to normal. For a second there I thought I'd be stuck with a pet cheetah."
Zoro and I laughed off the whole incident. Until we put two and two together. We turned heads at the same time and screamed to each other. "OH SHIT THAT WAS A DEVIL FRUIT, WASNT IT!"

Zoro and the Animal (Zoro X OC) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now