Chapter 25: Through the eye of the storm

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Diana opened her eyes to see herself in the dearest place of them all.


The sights of its simple houses, her friendly neighbours, the dirty streets, and children playing with happy spirits, All of those streaming emotions flushed through Diana's eyes.

While she was sightseeing her home with a wide smile and happy heart. A hand patted her shoulder.

She turned around, eyes widened to find the kind and warm face of her father smiling at her with his blue orbs focusing on her. A flux of tears flooded her face. She didn't think twice about her reaction. She rushed to hug him with a shocked face. But the truth soon turned to a mirage and her father's image vanished before her arms got hold of him.

Suddenly the air changed. As she witnesses a horde of knights charging towards Endora. However, by taking another look at the riders. She saw skulls engulfed with flames on lifeless bodies. She saw horses bringing destruction by just stamping on the ground. Horsemen made of wicked fire and hideous smiles on their vague faces, empty of all flesh and blood. Sprinting with swords that were made to reap and devour everything and everyone onwards.

They charged with a sweeping strike turning the surroundings into ashes. her fellow citizens by one- turned into skeletons as they were brutally killed by those demonic warriors.

With that monstrosity approaching, Diana kept shouting for the unaware people to flee. Unlike the logic that she expected, all she got in return was some simple smiles with happy waves.

No panic and No running. No escaping for their lives and no anarchy made. Just smiles and pure love.

It's like they knew what was coming and they had already made their peace with it.

It was no use.

She was a ghost who witnessed the same view of Endora's demise over and over again. Like an eternal punishment as the fire greedily ate the town and its citizens as a whole, the flames and smoke inflated till they easily touched the bottom of the sky.

She fell to her knees. Her tears were vaporizing from the fire that kept sparking yellow and bright. Her brain demanded an answer but instead, it was given a grounding past...

She looked to the ground with closed eyes and raging fists. "Why..." She cried. "Why didn't I just die with them?" 

"Why did the people I love the most must undergo such doom?!"

"Why should they suffer while the sentence of death solely belonged to me!?"

She sobbed. 


"And leave so easily?!"

That voice...

She raised her face quickly to see her father in front of her. Right in the middle of the flames. Untouched. But this time his face was serious.

The girl just kept staring, didn't know what she should believe anymore. Nothing made any sense from that point onwards.

The protector approached till he reached for his daughter. He kneeled gradually and hugged the girl tightly to his body.

Unlike the other illusions moments ago. This hug was real. She felt his cooling hands marching over her heated body. Giving her an odd sense of relaxation and relief.

She closed her eyes once more. Trying to Remember the feeling of being locked within her father's arms again. It was so comforting. His hand brushed over her yellow blond hair giving her love chills through her golden color head.

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