Chapter 1: same beach new sky

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No one's POV

Through the blinding light did our two companions travel. The shadow scared but was comforted by the heart it carried. The warmth of the heart brought joy to the shadow as the two traveled beyond the door. When the light faded to the shadow opened it's eyes to find itself in a cave of sorts.

Curiosity guiding it the shadow looked at the cave walls to find mysterious markings. Strange as they are the shadow examined them. It found one particularly interesting. On the wall was the depiction of a boy and a girl giving each other a star. The heart glowed faintly as the little shadow touched the cave painting.

The two walked towards the other end and through the tunnel. It was the size of the shadow making it easy to traverse. Then a bright light lit up the end of the tunnel. The shadow held the heart close to it's body as it prepares for the next surprise.

And surprised it was for a beach was found. Vibrant and alive. Seagulls cawed into the sky, waves rushed the beach shores with such intensity, and the light shines greatly on the sands. Looking around it found wooden made structures everywhere. The eyes of the shadow sparkled amazement.

Welcome to Destiny Island.

Who knew the other worlds could be so beautiful. The shadow ran to the waters to feel the waves. The waters felt cold and refreshing. The sun shined and the shadow ran around the water splashing the heart in a joyful manner.

After playful splash in the water the shadow grabbed the heart out and sat with it and stared out into the ocean. The soothing sound of waves brushing against the sand. It put the shadow at ease.

For the first time the shadow felt a new sensation. Tiredness. It's strength depleting and it's eyes slowly closing. Eventually it fell asleep with the heart close to its chest. Once again the heart glowed. Yet it's glow shine ever brighter than before.

Time passes as the warm rays of the sun dimmed as it hung over the horizon with its iconic orange hue. The eyes of the little companion opened. It gave a small yet cute little stretch before pet the heart as a way of saying good evening.

The two saw the sunset as once again the shadow's eyes sparkled in awe. The beauty of endings and beginnings. The shadow finally understood. Everything has a beginning and an ending like the sun.

Just the knowledge of this alone makes the shadow jump in excitement for it's adventure with the heart. Such compassion and curiosity the shadow wanted to learn more. It wanted to find a way restore the heart so it may finds it way home.

As the heart glowed more vibrantly the door appeared once more. The shadow hurried over with the heart to see where they would go next. The door opens as the two travel on through. When the closes in disappears in a pillar of light.

But as the door disappeared three individuals arrived from around the bridge. One with silver hair, one with spikey brown hair, and the last one with long brunette hair.

They had sensed something strange so they came to investigate. The spikey haired individual equips a key like blade. He knows something has been here but has recently departed.

Confused he consorts with his other two companions who one suggest they see a friend who might have the answer to their problems. Thus did they call upon the aid of two unique friends to take them.

With the shadow and the heart

The shadow and the heart walked through the corridor of light. The shadow wondered what might be able to restore the light in the heart. It the heart layer within the world of darkness for any extended period of time then it would be tainted by the darkness. Meaning the longer it resides in the world of darkness the harder it would be to find the light once more.

But shadow was not deterred. The heart has helped it find its emotions again. The shadow was determined to return the favor by helping the heart finds its light and return home.

So the two treaded forward they walked forward on their adventure together. Their is a irony to it. Darkness helping light. For all our time alive we viewed the darkness as pure evil. But even then there are those who use the darkness to save others.

The shadow and heart are living proof of that statement. But there are those who do not believe the darkness can be good. There are those who would kill the shadow simply because it is a shadow.

But the future holds so many unlimited possibilities for our two companions. Let us see where they go to next.

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