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1st POV


"she's sleeping lizzy be quiet!"
"But she- oh look! she's waking up."

My eyes opened slowly, scanning the room. Ella, lizzy and emma were crowded around my canopy bed.

Lizzy was holding the curtains back, while emma was biting her thumb, "Uhm, good morning y/n! I love the nightgown is it new?" Ella spoke while fiddling with her hands.

I sat up in my bed, "Oh heavens, what has happened?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What makes you ask that?"
I stood up and crossed my arms, "I've had this nightgown for the past four months. Now what's the news?"

Lizzy walked forward, "remember that red headed girl who used to court with Gilbert?" I nodded, "well, she may or may not be sitting in the living room as we speak."

My eyes widened while I slipped on my robe as I hurried out the door. My slippers slapped against the wooden floors as I slid down the hallway and ran down the stairway.

Low and behold the famous red head who broke Gilbert's heart was sitting on the red loveseat. My favorite spot. She caught my eye and stood up, taking her hat in her hands, "y/n?"

I rested my hands on my hips, "what are you doing here? Has Gilbert not been responding to your letters too? Oh wait, he hasn't wrote you a letter since you crushed his heart."

Her cheeks flushed as she let out a quiet gasp, "I thought- you haven't gotten a letter from Sebastian yet?"

I remember Gilbert telling me about Sebastian, his best friend, "no why would I?" I dropped the hands from my hips stepping forward.

She dropped back onto the loveseat and patted on the ottoman in front of her, I hesitated before sitting myself on the red tasseled cushion. She leaned forward, her eyes filled with concern, "about a month ago I received a letter from Gilbert's dear friend Sebastian. I was so very confused as to why Sebastian would be writing a message to me after what I did to Gilbert," she glanced at me to see if I was following her, "well I opened the letter with my letter opener to see that some of the words written in ink were smudged- with tears. I urgently read the letter to see that..."

I looked around the room waiting for her to continue, "go on?"

She sighed before giving me a look of sadness, "Gilbert is dying."

I abruptly stood up, the ottoman flipping over at my sudden move. I placed my hand over my mouth with the other rested on my hip as I angrily shook my head. Salty tears threatening to spill over my eyes as I tried to process what Anne told me, "No that's, that's not possible. He was fine just four months ago," I grabbed the vase on the coffee table next to me and threw it behind me at the wall, "Hes going to be a doctor and I'm going to be so proud of him and," I shifted my eyes to the staircase where Lizzy, Emma, Ella were watching in horror, "And I love him."I collapsed to the ground My hand clenching my chest , gasping for air.

Ella rushed over and dropped beside me, taking me into her arms and cradling me like an infant. But in that moment I felt like an infant, helpless.

Gilbert was going to die. Gilbert is helpless.

I cant let him die helpless.

𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒// ɢɪʟʙᴇʀᴛ ʙʟʏᴛʜᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now