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3rd POV

ms. nicolette and her lovely ladies is the one thing y/n despises in life. that and valentine's day always made y/n quite upset.

ms. nicolette and her lovely ladies was a finishing school for "troubled ladies" in charlotte town. and y/n happens to know quite a few people that attended there.

and she despises all of them.

but here she is, packing her bags to bring with her on her trip to hell. her mother decided that growing up and working for the potters is something she doesn't want her daughter to do. she wants her to see the world and marry a rich man but fears no one will take her troubled daughter.

except for gilbert.

ever since the dance y/n and gilbert have been attached at the hip. y/n would sneak out of her dormitories just to see gilbert and embrace him. it's safe to say they were in love, madly.

and y/ns mom didn't seem to approve. y/n assumed it was because he wasn't high class, which is a stupid reason do disapprove because they were low class as well.

so y/ns mom came to the conclusion that sending her daughter to a finishing school would be the best choice.

and she told her on valentine's day.


"what the hell?" i yelled at my mother. she was sitting on my bed and must've been waiting for me to enter my room because as soon as i did she told me dreadful news, "your sending me to a finishing school?"

she stood abruptly, "you will not use profanity's in this house y/n! your adding to the list of why you should attend the school!"

i paced around my room distraught, why would she be doing this? she
knows about me and gilbert! i looked at her as my eyes started to wet, "how could you? you know me and gilbert just started a relationship!"

she crossed her arms and sighed at her daughter, "you have gotten to attached to him. you've been sneaking out just to see him and don't think i forgot about when i walked in on you two!"

a small blush painted across my face but was washed away by tears, "mom please don't do this." my voice cracked as i pleaded with her, "please don't."

she uncrossed her arms and opened her mouth to say something but instead left the room swiftly, leaving me in my tears.


3rd POV

y/n and gilbert sat at the dining table. both were in tears and distraught that they would be separated, "when are you departing." gilbert asked.

y/n shifted in her chair, "sometime tonight."

gilbert put his head down and spoke softly, "so we don't have much time."

y/n looked at the big grandfather clock, "no, we don't."

gilbert reached across the table for
y/ns hand who gladly took it, "i'll write to you every day. and i'll visit you as much as i can."

y/n squeezed his hand, "i'm afraid they don't allow visitors," gilbert sobbed a bit, "but you will write. right gilbert?"

he lifted his head up, "everyday."

𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒// ɢɪʟʙᴇʀᴛ ʙʟʏᴛʜᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now