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Hey what's up everybody!! I know it's been a really big minuet since I've said anything or updated anything, but I did start a new story, I suck I know. if I'm honest a lot has hence happened and well we are trying, really hard so please as I know it is wrong of me to ask, be just a bit more patient with me; just a tiny bit longer. I'm trying to remind myself why I use to write if that makes sense, and a lot of you guys, who have comment and still continue to read my story even after it taking so long to update and even reply to all of you, you guys still continue reading and encouraging me to write more. I am so lucky for you guys and I can't tell you how many times I've deleted and rewritten this A/N. I guess I'm just not too sure what I was supposed to say, but I did feel though I did need to say something. I'm sorry it isn't much. ill be updating soon, I surprisingly did not forget how I planned out this story. No the story isn't ending soon but they aren't going to be half assed pages either so you may or may not be reading a lot in one chapter, so yee. But anyways, thank you guys for being patient a tiny bit longer, I appreciate you so much. see you guys soon.

Red over and out!!

Negan's daughter (CarlXreader)Where stories live. Discover now