Toman Sleepover

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!NO MANGA SPOILERS BESIDES CHARACTERS! [See the end of the chapter for names and pictures]

'I bet they started without me' you thought to yourself. You've been knocking on Mitsuya's door for the past 5 minutes and no one answered yet. "I swear to good Mit-" but just as you were about to hit the door again, it opened, knocking a very confused Mikey in the face. 

"Good night to you to Y/N, but I don't think that's how u greet people" he said while rubbing his already red forehead, "Sorry Mikey but I've been knocking for like 5 minutes now, where is everyone?" you asked. 

"Sorry we were playing music so we didn't hear the door, but anyways come in, Mitsuya just finished making snacks" You stepped inside taking off your shoes heading down the familiar hallway of the house. 

"So somebody was knocking" Chifuyu said, hand in Baji's hair. A chorus of 'good nights', 'yo's' and 'hey y/n's' filled the room as you set your bag down in Mitsuya's closet next to everyone else's.  Apparently, everyone was here: Mikey, Draken, Baji, Chifuyu, Nahoya, Souta, Hakkai, Mitsuya, and Takemitchy. 

"Where are your sisters Mitsuya?" you asked when you didn't hear Luna and Mana's feet pattering on the ground. "They're out of town with my mom for the weekend visiting our cousins in Seoul, we already had the sleepover planned so she said it was fine if I missed out just this once"  he said as everyone was eating from the snack tray. 

"Can someone put the music back on?" Takemitchy said as he stretched, "Sure gimme a sec" Draken offered, reaching over Mikey's head and pressing play on the Bluetooth speaker that started playing 'Smack A Bitch'.

 About a minute into the song Chifuyu spoke, "Bruh who sang this, I like it" you looked up from what you were doing to respond but a voice beat you to it, "Rico Nasty, how could you not know" everyone looked across the room and all eyes landed on Nahoya, his signature smile played on his lips. 

"A person of culture I see" a smirk crawling onto your lips, and a chuckle leaving his lips. "Ok I'm bored let's play Truth or Dare" Chifuyu said, hands still in Baji's hair. "I'm not playing that with you again, not after what you made me do last time" 

Takemitchy said while shivering. The room erupted in laughs and chuckles as we all shuffled across the floor into a circle in the middle of the room. "Ok ignoring Takemitchy, Draken, Truth Or Dare" Baji asked, Chifuyu's head now in his lap as his hands ran through his hair. 

"Umm, truth I guess" he answered rather quickly, "How are things with you and Emma?" Baji questioned further, wiggling his eyebrows. 

"None of ya business" he said turning his head, face slightly flushed. "That's suspicious if you ask me" Nahoya further pressed, nudging Draken's shoulder. "C'mon guys let's not bother him, who's going next" 

Mitsuya asked, helping Draken out of his flustered situation, "Oh I wanna ask next, Y/N Truth Or Dare" Chifuyu said, raising from Baji's lap leaning forward. You, Mitsuya, and Chifuyu glanced at each other, speaking with your eyes. 

You see, both boys know about your crush on Nahoya and promised not to say anything to the older twin, but knowing Chifuyu, he would try everything in his power to play match-maker, and his little plot of injustice was playing out perfectly. 

"Dare" you said, voice slightly wavering, praying that he wouldn't try anything. You could see the evil glint in his eye as he looked between you and Mitsuya and began speaking, "Is there anyone in this room that per-say" 

His eyes meeting everyone else's in the room, you kept a straight face while looking at him and spoke, "Of course not, we're all FRIENDS here....right?" you said putting emphasis on the word 'friends'. Mitsuya rubbed the bridge of this nose, rocking his head side to side. "But that's the thing, Y/N, friends don't lie to one another don't they? Why don't you tell everyone your little secret"

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