Friends? [Heartache PT. 3]

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"Oh I know you do," you said as you lifted his arms and pulled each other into a rather warm hug. "As introverted as you seem you aren't very subtle," you said, the rough cotton of his over-washed shirt rubbing on your face making your words sound muffled. 

You could feel his breath quicken as he tightened his arms around your hips. "I-I'm sorry if you feel pressured to reciprocate my feelings! You just broke up from my brother for God's sake, and you know this feels a lot like the plot of a bad 80's rom-com don't you think even though-"

"Sh sh sh. Take a breath, your rambling." You chuckling lightly while pulling away from the hug 

"Look, I'm.....I'm not really sure how I feel about you, or I should say us right now. I'm still hurt from you know what. Not that I'm comparing you to your brother, I know you would never do that to me but, I need time to heal. I still need closure and acceptance, and I understand if you don't wanna wait cause I can't promise you that I'll be over it immediately, I still, feel for your brother and. All I'm saying is that I don't wanna lead you on, but don't get me wrong I do like you, I just need time."

 He was oddly quiet for a bit after your speech but as you were about to ask if he was ok he held both of your hands in his grasp, and when you looked up from them you saw a single line of tears falling from his eyes.

 "I'd wait as long as it takes. Jeez, I don't even know why I'm crying I just-"

"Thank you, Souta. For everything." Your voice was gentle as your bitten thumb wiped the same streak of tears from his face.

 You've dated Smiley for over a year and for that entire duration you never felt this, calm around him. Now let's not lie on the situation, there was never a dull moment with yall, but that was the problem, you never appreciated the little things in your relationship, the knuckle brushes in public, or the quiet "I love you's" when he brought you home after a date, and at the back of your mind, you can't help but think that it was your fault that he cheated on you, but as long as you had Souta at your side, you knew you'd be fine. You both stepped away from each other as you both pulled up the batter lawn chairs you'd sit on as kids, basking in the silence, both your thoughts between yourselves and the stars above.


And once again I'm back from the dead. Tbh I was never really gone, I was working on my Bakugo x Reader that I took off hiatus that yall should definitely go read. Sorry for the short chapter but this was the original end that I had for this lol. I have so many au ideas on my phone notes that I will write in the future but I'm really conflicted between writing this or my Bakugo book but I decided on taking this at my pace and writing when I can and when I feel like it. I wanna keep up with the every Friday thing but sometimes I'm either busy or lazy honestly, cause it's not like I don't have content I just don't wanna write whenever I have the idea while it's fresh. So take this little update for now. Have a good day or night, morning or afternoon where ever you are, drink water. Moon <3

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