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A/N: I was generous today and actually put a picture of Nahoya. I really didn't feel like look for a picture of him for every chapter but this was already on my computer so, enjoy!

"That'll be $28 please" said the clerk at the entrance to the movie theater. Toman won yet another fight today. 

So to celebrate you and Nahoya went to the movies for some "Us Time" as he calls it. You decided on [movie name] cause it was yall's favorite movie and since they were replaying it in cinemas you took the opportunity to watch it........again that is. 

You always sat in the last row so you could take pictures and videos without being caught. It's also a good spot to catch people doing weird shit. When you entered the cinema the majority of the last rows were filled and the only free seats were next to a group of guys.

 You sat in the end and Nahoya sat next to the guys. There were 4 of them, they seemed to be around our age too. "Hey, you ok? You look tense." Nahoya said while whispering in your ear. Making sure not to disturb the other viewers.

"Nah I just need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back and don't eat all the popcorn." You said before getting up and exiting the theater. 

The truth was, you felt those boys staring at you and it honestly creeped you out, but they weren't doing anything so you decided to ignore them. You heard light footsteps behind you but didn't bother to turn around.

 You got to the toilets and walked inside to see that it was empty. You pushed a stall door open and locked it but before you could sit on the toilet you heard someone come in.

Some Creeps POV:

Me and the guys saw this babe sitting next to us but she was with some guy. He looked like her boyfriend since they were holding hands but, I didn't care. "Hey, do yall see that chick?"

Dave whispered when he saw her in the seat closest to the aisle. "Forget her face did you see her ass?" I said before snickering. I saw her getting up after saying something to that dude she was with, "I'm gonna make my move." 

I dapped them all up before following her out of the theater to see that she was heading to the bathrooms. I walked a little way behind her so she wouldn't get suspicious. 

No one was around so my chances of getting caught were slim. I pushed the door to enter the bathroom and saw that it was empty. Except for the girl in the stall.

Back To Yr POV:

'Guess I wasn't the only person who needed to pee.' You said to yourself laughing internally. You sat on the toilet and started doing your business but you were on edge as you saw a pair of feet walk up to your stall.

 You finished up and opened the door only to be met with...........................a guy? The same guy who was sitting with his friends next to you and Nahoya.

 Your Fight or Flight mode instantly went on and in this instance, you decided to run. He was clearly much taller than you and well built, so if you got into difficulties your chances of being able to fight him off were slim. 

So you firmly pushed his chest and bolted towards the door but, were stopped by a harsh tug on your hair. Your back connecting to the ground. "We're you going cutie. I was about to talk to you" he slyly said. You could hear the ulterior motives he had laced between his words.

 You quickly pushed yourself off the ground but he grabbed your arm and pulled you into him. "Playing hard to get, are we. Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt ya." The smirk on his face made him all the more terrifying. 

He started placing kisses onto your neck.

 You squirmed and tried to loosen your body from his grip but his hold on you was strong. You raised your knee and hit him straight in the balls.

 As he doubled over holding his crotch you moved his hands and kicked him once more for good measure. By now Nahoya was on high alert wondering why you were taking so long to come back, but what really made him get up and head in your direction was when he heard the guys sitting next to him say something about the girl next to them and some guy named Jesse. 

He glared at them before getting up and heading to the bathrooms. His pace started to pick up when he felt like something was wrong. He pushed the door to the bathroom open but you were exiting at the same time and you bumped into each other.

 You looked at each other but before he could speak you engulfed him into a bruising hug. "You were right, I was tense but not cause I needed to use the bathroom I saw those guys looking at me but didn't say anything but it was really uncomfortable and now-" tears brimmed your eyes as you hugged him closer. 

He held both of your cheeks in his palms, whipped your tears with his thumbs, and began speaking. "Hey hey, slow down. Take a breath. Are you ok? Did he pull anything?" He said, his words immediately soothing you but his voice firm.

 You couldn't bring yourself to speak so you just shook your head 'yes' firmly. His face softened but then turned serious. He asked you where the guy was and you lead him into the bathroom, showing him the boy grunting in pain, now leaning against the wall. 

Nahoya told you to find a worker and tell them what happened and he was gonna "talk" to the guy. You left the washroom sending silent prayers to the boy knowing he wouldn't be ok afterward.

 After you smoothed things over with the staff and Nahoya finished taking care of the boy you guys left the theater. You found out the boy's name was Jesse Tree. Apparently, he was an exchange student from the US.

 Information was obtained from your boyfriend by looking at his ID card. Let's just say a few days later at a Toman meeting you saw Jesse and some of the Toman guys "talking" to him. Your boyfriend standing front and center.

A/N: HELLO! I'm not dead! I'm sorry for not posting for over 3 weeks. I got a major case of writer's block and realized I had this in my drafts for a WHILE. So I finished this up even though it's pretty short. Don't worry though, I have a lot of ideas stockpiled now and I'll be back to posting every Friday. [probably not gonna stick to that but let's try lmfao.] Anyways I hope your having a good day or night where ever you are in the world, Moon~

Nahoya Kawata x Reader Oneshots~Where stories live. Discover now