The show (Jenlisa)

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Today is the day of our rehearsal for the show, I was in the dorm with the girls because we have schedules, you know we can't go to our own homes if we have busy schedules like this one. So as I was saying I'm at the dorm and it's like 7 in the morning so I thought that I'll be the first one to wake up not until I went out to the kitchen and saw jisoo eonnie at the kitchen counter.

"Good morning eonnie, you're early today huh" I teased, cos' you guys might not know jisoo usually the latest to wake up among us. "Whatever lisayah" said jisoo eonnie while rolling her eyes and went straight to the cabinet to get the ingredients for our breakfast. "What are you cooking eonnie?" I asked, "pancakes" jisoo replied, "can I help hehe?" I asked hoping she would allow me, "okay" she replied, then we started making our breakfast.

While we're preparing ingredients jisoo eonnie suddenly put flour in my face that made me frown, "yaaahh eonnie its too early for this!" I said then made my revenge. While we are doing that silly flour thing, we heard footsteps and saw jendeuk and chaeng walking to the kitchen. "Good morning" jisoo and I said, "good morning guys!" only Chaeyoung replied, so I looked up and saw jennie looking at jisoo then turned her head to look at me so I smiled but she just rolled her eyes. Ok what happened.

As we finished cooking we put all the food on the table then placed all the plates for each one of us, while I was placing jennie's plate she suddenly said "clean up." in a serious tone, it made me realize that I look like a mess because of jisoo eonnies craziness. After that I went to my room and decided to clean my self.


So it was a good morning not until I saw lisa and jisoo eonnie at the kitchen laughing while playing with the flour, they greeted us goodmorning but I don't have energy to reply so I just looked up to jisoo eonnie and smiled, then rolled my eyes to lisa when I caught her looking at me.

Lisa went in her room before eating breakfast because her face looked like a mess. After she cleaned up, we ate breakfast then prepared for our rehearsal.

It is 9 am when we finished preparing, we went down and waited for our ride. When the van came rosé sat behind the drivers seat so I sat beside her which was jisoo's sit. While jisoo eonnie is going inside the car she straightly went to my 'usual' sit, when lisa entered her forehead furrowed because of our sitting position but she managed not to talk.


We're in the car right now and I'm still confused on why jennie is not sitting beside me, so I decided to poke her waist. She face me with no emotion while saying "why", "why are you sitting there" I asked, "Cos' I feel like seating here" she answered and turned her back.

We arrived at the yg building and went straight in our studio for rehearsal. We warmed up and started our rehearsal right away, after an hour or two I think, we took a break so I went to jennie cos' we usually spend breaks with each other (like going to the restroom or smthng) but I saw her with chonga so I decided to go with jisoo eonnie.

It's already pack up time but jennie still ignoring me so I went to her while she was standing in front of the case for shoots (check the image) while drinking her water. "Can you take a picture of me here" I whispered to her ear that made her jum a bit, "okay" she answered, I thought she will deny I said to my self.

She took a picture of me standing making random poses, then I sat down and pose to the camera. She was about to hand me my phone after taking pictures but I pulled her towards me while I'm still sitting down then placed her between my thighs, I hugged her waist while I am looking at her, her face was on the side looking away from me and her arms are on the side.

I just looked at her for a moment then placed my head on her chest for a good 10 seconds, I looked at her again, she's still facing away from me so I decided to speak, "hey baby what's wrong" she didn't move nor speak so I held her cheeks and made her look at me "what's wrong my love?" I asked kissing her chin. "Nothing" she answered, "I was a lil' bit jealous of jisoo eonnie this morning because of that flour thingy, but I realized just now that it was too low of a reason for me to get mad, i'm sorry" she said while crying. "Its okay love, I missed you! Hug me back plsss" I said with a pout then she hugged me back.

"Hey stop flirting we're already going home so just continue it later" said jisoo with a teasing tone, we just laughed at her.

We arrived at our dorm so we cleaned ourselves and decided to watch movie. We were ont the couch watching some romcom movie, we have a long ass couch but chonga is sitting on the floor between jisoo eonnies legs who's sitting on the couch, while I was sitting between lisa's legs on the couch while her hands wrapped around my waist.

We sat like that for almost 3/4 of the movie when I stood up that made lisa confuse, I looked at her then stradled on her lap hugging her, face on her neck. "Sleepy?" Lisa asked "hmm" I hummed as an answer "you want to sleep? I'll carry you" "no I can sleep here this feels comfortable, you finish the movie first"

Third person

They already finished watching the movie and jennie's still sleeping soundly on lisa's lap, the younger girl decided to carry her in her room and placed her on her bed.

Lisa was about to get out when jennie reached for her hand and whispered "sleep here", the younger of course don't need time to think cos' for her it is always better to sleep with jennie, so she laid down beside jennie then hugged her, jennie went closer to lisa and hid her face on the crook of lisa's neck, whispered "goodnight" to each other, they both driven of to sleep.


I'm baaackkk!!! This is all based from my imagination hhshahahaha.
Sorry for the grammars, I am not that fluent in english.

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