Time of the month (Jenlisa)

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I'm now driving going back to our condo, 4th year college na ako and I am living with my girlfriend. She's already working in their company for us well I also have my part time job every weekends so that I can help her with the bills. We decided to live together and rent a condo to practice na rin how to be independent.

Though our family is in middle class, both of our family own companies, we don't want to be dependent to them, this is our choice so we need to work hard for it.

I am in front of our door, and I am not expecting mt girlfriend to be home at this time, cause she usually go home arround 7-7:30 and it just 6 pm.

I opemed the door and check our pets, and went straight to our room, I opened the door there I saw my girlfriend lying on our bed holding her stomach.

"Baby, what happened?" I asked Jennie my girlfriend, she got startled maybe because she didn't notice that I am already home. I saw her puffy eyes looking at me and said "My stomach hurts baby" sobbing softly, I checked the date on my phone and I am right it's the time of the month.

I sat beside her and asked her if she already eat her dinner, and she answered that she's not yet eating, "what do you like to eat my love?" "I want mcdo's chicken, burger, fries and sundae" she answered so I immediately call to have it delivered cause she do not want me to leave her.

I got out of our bed and asked her if she wants to watch movie outside while waiting for our food, she nodded so I decided to carry her and bring her to the living room.

While we are watching her head is on my lap while my hand is massaging her head, cause she said that she is having head ache.

After almost half an hour, we heard our door bell rang so Jennie stand up and I walk towards the door to get our order, while walking to the living room I saw jennie's eyes twinkling because of the food I laughed a little bit because of her cuteness. We ate our food not using our plates so we don't have anything to clean hehe.

Now we are watching movie again she is sitting in front of me while I am hugging her from behind. "I love you baby" I whispered and kissed her head.

We are now watching our 3rd movi3 I think, then suddenly she stand up, I thought she is going to the comfort room or something but no, she jusy sat on my lap.


Hi I'm Jennie Lisa's girlfriend. I'm sitting on my girlfriends lap while hugging her and hiding my face on the crook of her neck.

"Aww my baby is so clingy, do you want anything?" She asked "No, I just missed you baby" I answered "I missed you too love" she then kissed my head.

While she is busy watching, I'm busy kissing her neck and putting kiss mark on it "hmmm, ahhh love" she moan.

"hmm I'm horny babe" I moan while sucking her neck.

I will try to write for tomorrow.

JENLISA/YOONSIC ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now