Thailand (Jenlisa)

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We are at the airport going to Thailand, we are surrounded by many paparazzis so I decided to walk faster beside Lisa. Our managers are prohibiting us to be close with each other on cam and if there are paparazzis, but I don't care I need Lisa cause I think my panic attack is starting. I held Lisa's hands and I felt that she is shocked and I think she already know why I'm beside her, she faced me and asked me "are you ok?" I shooked my head so she held my hand tighter while rubbing it using her thumb.

We are now at the business class private room, I am seating beside Lisa, "hey nini how are you feeling?" "I'm not feeling well" "Okay, for now you need to rest before our flight" she guided my head on her shoulders then put her arms around my shoulders. After how many minutes we are almost boarding I heard Lisa waking me up "Nini, wake up we are now boarding" I opened my eyes then saw Lisa staring at me "how are you now?" she asked worriedly "I feel better now" she smiled then hold my hand while we are walking, entering our plane.

We are going to take off in a few minutes and my hands are already shaking, my seatmate is Jisoo unnie she noticed my hands and asked me "hey Jennie why are your hands shaking?" "I'm scared unnie "teary eyes*" I replied.

Someone walked in the aisle Jisoo unnie looked up then saw Lisa "Lisa! Where are you going?" "I'm going to the comfort room unnie, why?" She replied, Jisoo unnie pointed at me, then I felt Lisa's hands guided me to look at her and saw my eye "Hey nini why are you crying?" "Lili I'm scared *sobs" I have motion sickness so I usually feel this whenever we are travelling. "Do you want to change seat with chonga?" She asked so I nodded.

She held my hand then guide me to their seats, "chonga, is it ok to change sit with Jennie?" She asked then chaeng nodded. I sat beside Lisa, I'm still nervous cause we are now taking off I felt Lisa's hand reaching mine then hold it super tight.

Take off is done so we are now allowed to remove our seatbelts, Lisa let go of my hand and whisphered "Jennie, I will go to the comfort room the she walks to the comfort room then after few minutes Lis came back "how are you Nini?" "Better Lali" I replied, then we drifted to sleep.


We already landed in Bangkok Airport, I look at Jennie unnie and I decided to wake her up "Nini wake up we're already here" she opened her eyes, she's so cute witt her puffy eyes uwuu.

We are now walking insife the airport and as usual maby paparazzis are waiting for us, Jennie unnie is clinging her arms in my arms, outside the airport there are fans that are waiting for us and there is our van, after waving to our fans we entered our van and went straight to our hotel.

I am in my room, we all have separate rooms but of course I'm going to sleep in Jennie unnie's room hehe.

*knock knock* after knocking I heard jennie unnie's foot steps going to the door.

"Liliii, are you going to sleep here?"

She asked, "No unnie I'm just here to check if you are ok" I am waiting for her response but she just give me her pout, "kidding nini of course I'm going to sleep here and give my nini some cuddles"

We are nowlying in her bed, her head resting on my chest while we are watching some movies.

"Jennie, what do you want to do tomorrow? Its our free time tomorrow" I asked, "It's up to you Lali tour me her in your country" she said smiling while looking at me.

After few minutes, I heard a little snores coming from my Nini, she's already sleeping resting her face in the crook of my neck while hugging me. So I decided to turn of the tv and sleep, "Goodnight nini" I kissed her forehead and decided to sleep.


Hi guys! Sorry for the typo and grammatical errors. I'm writing because I miss my ultimate ship.

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