Award show (YoonSic)

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Today is our performance at gaon, I'm here in the corner watching my members getting ready. While I was scrolling on my snsd I heard someone laughing so I looked up saw Yoona laughing with Yuri.

"Yaaa, stop it yuri-ah" Yoona said while laughing.

"I won't" Yuri replied with an evil laugh, the continue tickling Yoona.

I unconsciously rolled my eyes lol.

"Yaahh stop playing around we are going to perform in a minute, prepare your self instead of playing" not so strict leader taengoo said.

They stopped playing around so I started to retouch because we are going on the stage in a minute.

We just finished performing I got a boy so we are now sitting down at our table, yoona is sitting beside me. While I was watching other groups performance I heard Yoona whisper something in my ear, I ignored her because aside from I don't want to talk I also can't here what she's saying.

Other groups performance are already done, Yoona did not talk to me after that whisper thingy. The hosts started to present some of the awards, I was just busy staring on the stage waiting for them to announce the winners, after few minutes our group hot called so we went up to the stage.

We are now on the stage and there's no one in fron of the mics, the members push Yoona in front of the microphone and some of them are staring at me. I got it, they want me to  stand on the other mic and so I did. Yoona started talking, thanking the people involved in this comeback, now it's my turn to speak I just said thank you to our fans, thenour members are laughing including Yoona so I also laughed, fakely.

First part of awarding is done, we are back at our table ready to watch other groups performance. While watching I heard Yoona talking Hyo and Sooyoung and they are laughing, I ihnored them and proceed watching exo. Suddenly, I felt that Yoon move her chair closer to me I did not mind 'cos I'm too serious watching the performance.

I felt Yoong's hands holding my wrist then raised it up while shaking my wrist, I look like I was vibing with the music. I heard my members including Yoona laughing and did qhat Yoona was doing with my hands, I just laughed sarcasticly then rolled my eyes.


We already sat in our place Sica eonnie is ignoring me so I decided to mess with her, she might need someone to loosen her up. So I went closer ro her seat and hold her hande raising it following the beat.

While I'm doing it the members are laughing so I laugh, I heard Sica eonnie laugh then rolled her eyes. So here I am thinking what is happening because she is ignoring me since the start of this event.

The award show is done but Sica eonni is still ignoring me. We are preparing to go home and some of the girls are already in the can including Jessica. I saw Sooyoung so I decided to go with her.

"sooyoungiee is Sica eonnie talking to you?" I asked. "Yes she talked to me a while ago, why dis you ask?" she answered. "Uhm 'cos I think she's ignoring me, so I asked you if she is talking to you to confirm."

We already arrived in our van, as usual Hyo is seating in the passengers seat, I saw Sica at the back, she is holding her phone while scrolling, I decided to seat beside her.

Seating arrangement
driver         hyo
Seo tiff tae
Sun Yul Soo
Sica Yoong

"Eonniee, what are you doing?" I asked to get her attention.
"Sica eonnie"
"Sica eonnie"
She's still ignoring me
"Sicaaa" I continued to call her.

She looked at me and said "shut up" then went back to her phone. So I decided to get her phone.

"Yah! What are you doing?" she asked
"You are so busy on your phone, I'm calling you and you are ignoring me" I answered
She went silent and got her phone from my hands, she continued scrolling.

"Sica eonnie talk to me" I called her one again.
"Ya yoona keep quiet, we are trying to sleep here." sunny eonnie shouted.
"Mian" I bowed my head.


Yoona stayed quiet after what sunny said, we are still on our way home and yoona is already sleeping. I felt bad because I was the reason why sunny shouted at her. I saw her sleeping position so I decided to rest her head on my shoulder for her to sleep comfortable. I know I'm shorter than this alligator so she might feel uncomfy, but I think this is better that her position a while ago.

We already arrived in our apartment, I did not notice that I was also sleeping not until yuri woke me up. "Sica wake up we are here, wake up yoong also." she said.

I raised mu shoulder to wake her up, she slowly opened her eyes while her head is still on my shoulders. She looked at me, so I looked at her and said "we're already here" with no emotion. She smiled and stood up, I followed behind her.

I'm now in my room with sooyoung 'cos she's my room mate. "sica unnie I heard from yoona that you are ignoring her, wae?" she asked. "Yeah 'cos I was jealous with her and yuri, she was'nt talking to me before our performance, but she have time to laugh with yuri." I answered. "Yah yuri told me that yoona was cryung in their room, she was thinking what is the reason you are ignoring her" she said. "Yaaa jinja?", she nodded.

After I heard what soo said, I immediately went out of our room and go to yoonyul's room. I bumped into Yuri so I asked her "can we switch room for tonight?" I asked, "Yes of course, here bring this to yoong she asked for glass of water" she answered then handed me Yoona's water.

I went inside her room, Yoona's back is facing the door so she didn't notice me. "Yuri, what did you do outside and where is my water?" she said while sniffing. "here" I said while extending my hand, after she hear my voice she suddenly stood up and said "Yah eonni what are you doing here? and where is Yuri?", "she is sleeping in my room and I'm going to sleep here?" I replied, "w-wae?" she asked, "nothing, you don't want me here? I can go out" I said then she panickly answerex "n-no that is not what I mean" she said. "thenjust get your water my arms are getting numb."

As she finished drinking I talked to her, "So why did you cry, don't ever deny it because I soo already told me", "hmm nothing, I was just sad because you were ignoring me and you were mad at me" she said while pouting. "who said that I was mad?" I asked, "no one, but you are ignoring me so I thought that you are mad".

"Ya come here" asking her to sit beside me and she did. I hugged her waist "I'm not mad at you, I was just jeaslous because you where not talking to me in our dressing room but you have time to laugh with yul." I said while pouting. "hehe mian eonnie" she hugged me tight. "Yah I told you to stop calling me eonnie  its weird" I said while hitting her shoulders. "Minhae sica babyy" she said while laughing.

She lay down on our bed so I am laying beside her still hugging her waist and my head in on her chest. "Let's sleep" I said while looking up to see her face, she looked back and gave peck on my lips "hmm goodnight".

And we drifted to sleeepp.

Jessica was the jealous one but she ended up wooing Yoona HAHSHAHAHAH.

Sorry for the grammatical errors and typos.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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