Chapter 40

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Amara looked at herself in the full-body mirror in her room. She had applied light makeup and nude lipstick and was wearing matching laced undergarments.

Her finger traced over her collarbone and down her chest —over her stomach.

It was getting better.

She was able to be touched again. Amara felt safe and warm again when Draco was touching her.

She even tried touching herself again in an intimate way but it wasn't the same.

Amara misses him more and more every day but they are doing better.

She felt good again, able to be happy once again.

The memories of Halloween faded with every day, faded with every touch.

Amara focused more on the memories from before —the happy ones. She thought about the moment Draco said that he loves her.

She was not able to be with him in the way they were that night but she would try. With small steps —day by day.

Amara took the crimson red dress that Draco bought for her and slipped it on.

"You look, beautiful sweetheart," her mother beamed standing at the door,

"I knocked but no one answered," she quickly added after she saw Amara flinch.

"It's alright- you just caught me off guard," Amara smiled.

"Everything alright? You seem more...distressed since you got home,"  her mother worried.

"It's nothing... there is a lot to do at know O.W.L's" Amara mumbled and forced a smile on her lips.

"I see... You will do great.. don't worry" her mother smiled, stroking her daughter's arm.

"Is that the new dress you got?" Bethany asked.

"Yes," Amara nodded.

"It's perfect," her mother smiled, stroking a strand of her hair out of her face.

"Thank you," Amara whispered, fiddling with her fingers.

"Why are you so nervous? It's just dinner... like all the times before," Bethany frowned.

"I know," Amara mumbled.

"Look at me," her mother said and tilted Amara's head up, "It's not like all the times before is it?... you like him a little more don't you?"

Amara nodded, "I wanted to tell you... earlier.. but-"

"but then we weren't home again... I'm sorry sweety- it will all get better.. soon... I promise,"

"So does he like you too?" she asked.

Amara smiled and nodded. Like is an understatement she thought.

"I suppose the chocolate was not necessary," her mother teased.

"I really wanted to tell you... but not in a letter," Amara mumbled.

"That explains why you looked so worried all day,"

"I'm nervous," Amara sighed.

"Don't be... your gorgeous, smart and a talented witch," she smiled and placed a kiss on Amara's head.

"You know... weirdly I'm not surprised that this happened," Bethany laughed, walking to the door. She turned around once more,

Amara knitted her brows.

Bruised & Broken // D.M.Where stories live. Discover now