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Well... That took a while!

Thanks to everyone that stuck with me and continued reading!!!

I wanted to thank everyone for the support!! Love you lots <3

I'm really sorry that it took forever. I hope you liked it - especially the ending. I tried to do it a little bit different because there was so much more to tell.

When I started writing a year ago it helped me a lot with my mental health. I never intended for this story to go on forever. Life just changed a bit.

These past months I've been under a lot of stress and pressure (and probably on the verge of burnout). My body is really sensitive to stress.

It robbed me of energy to do anything these days... and the little energy I had I had to put into Uni and work.

Writing gave me so much but life took all the joy I had from this newfound passion.

I hope everyone can understand why it took so long to update. I just didn't have the strength...

But I'm glad I did it and made it to the end! <3

I'll continue to write! I have so many ideas I'd like to bring to life but I need some time.

I also will continue the other story on my profile when I find the strength and joy to do so. I loved writing once and I think when my life is less stressy I'll come back <3

My mental health comes first, I think everyone will understand!

If anyone wants to talk, I'm here <3

Thank you to everyone on this app and everyone who voted, commented and followed!

Hugs and kisses


Bruised & Broken // D.M.Where stories live. Discover now