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It was late in the noon when Harry was finally able to drag Zaviya back home. His legs were screaming at him to get some rest from walking around different malls and shops, all day long. He just wants to snuggle with his pillows and comforters now.

After so much nagging from Zaviya at the breakfast, Harry finally gave in to her request and went shopping with her. It was still very early but she suggested to go park first for a stroll and then have lunch at her favourite food stalls and then shopping. Harry wanted to protest and ask to wait so that Zayn can accompany them but seeing that he isn't up and not showing any sign to get out of his bed any time soon, he gave up.

Harry was a bit sad that Zayn missed his birthday and he won't be spending time with his best friend, but he can't pull himself to complain about it. He was the one who never told him about it.

Last night when he saw Zayn sneaking back home late at night after some high school party he went to, Zayn did come to him to wish him goodnight and at that moment Zayn looked so cute to Harry that he again forgot to tell him. A small smile crept on his lips when Zayn's goofy drunk face appeared in front of his eyes.

"I see you guys are back. How did the shopping go Harry?" Avery asked as Harry plopped down on the couch with a tired sigh.

"It's great if we exclude Zav from buying everything that came into her view."

"Hey, I didn't spend that much," She said poking at Harry side.

"Yeah, sure. You didn't just buy but also nagged about half of the thing and dragged me everywhere till you got your choice." He said, leaning against the couch and closing his eyes.

"Well that's our Zav, I bet you she loves shopping more than Mike." Avery chirped, taking side with Harry.

"I second that, Avery. She almost got my legs paralysed with all the walking and carrying bags around."

"Hey, you both are being mean," Zav pouted making both Harry and her mum chuckle. "And you Mr, you are my best you should be taking my side not supporting mums comment."

"What can I say, she is speaking the truth."

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Watch me not taking you on shopping ever again."

"I can assure you that will be a blessing."

Zaviya huffed, taking a hold of her bags and stomped her legs as she went back to her room.

Avery laughed watching her kids banter. She went towards Harry, sitting beside him and slowly carded her hands in Harry's silky curls. He unconsciously leaned towards her and snuggled his head in her plans. She smiled softly playing with his hairs, as Harry went more drowsy with her warm caressing.

"You should go and take some rest pup, you look really tired. Go take a nap you will feel fresh, then we could go out for dinner. Do you like that?"

"No, I don't wanna go outside. Can we have dinner at home, please?" Harry whined, giving her puppy eyes.

"of course, whatever the birthday boy wants. Now, go freshen up and have some rest."

Harry smiled and nodded at her, taking the shopping bags that Zaviya had brought for him and went toward the stairs. He climbed a few stairs when Zayn popped in his head.

"Hey, Avery, where is Zayn?"

"He went to Ryan's, said he got some of his school work to get completed with and will probably get late." Harry's face fell a bit, knowing that neither Zayn didn't even wish him nor did he ask about him from anyone.

If Zayn had asked, he would already have come to know it's his birthday, didn't he?

"He didn't wish you, right?" Avery said in a soft voice noticing Harry's sad face.

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