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Part two of double update.

"Okay, I'm gonna put you down now, the ground is a bit uneven so be careful," Zayn said, slowly lowering Harry down on the ground, and holding his waist in a secure grip so he won't go showcasing his infamous clumsiness and trip over absolutely nothing.

"I know we are back in the woods. How dumb do you think I'm?" Harry pouted as he slowly stood up, not losing his tight grip on Zayn's hand.

"My genius baby. Now I'm going to open your fold. Ok?"

When Harry nodded in confirmation, Zayn slowly open the fold and stood next to Harry, leaning a little to see his reaction. Harry slowly blinked open his eyes, adjusting his vision to the surrounding. His mouth hung open, jaw hitting the floor when he found the same old cottage, where they had started their relation in front of him, freshly painted, covered in beautiful fairy lights along with the nearby trees, giving it a warm glow and looking gorgeous.

Harry can't believe that the cottage which looked almost spooky a few months back, can look so beautiful and enchanting. Harry was about to say something to Zayn when he turned him to the other side where a beautiful tent was set up, too is covered with twinkling fairy lights. It had a blanket laid on the ground with too many pillows, giving it a homey look and a small table in the centre which had cutlery set on them.

"Do you like it, love?" Zayn asked as he hugged Harry from behind.

"I----I, it's so beautiful Zayn. Thank you very much for making this night so beautiful for me." Harry choked on his words.

Harry felt tears burning his eyes, looking at the hard work Zayn had put in while planning and preparing all this out. No matter how much he tried to blink back his tears, a lone tear escaped him, out of the pure joy and happiness that he is feeling. Harry can feel that Zayn was trying his best to make everything more special and wonderful for him and Harry doesn't feel any difference in the way Zayn is treating him, that he was once scared of.

It's just like before soft, sweet and everything beautiful. Maybe the tempo has changed because he had limited time to stay, but Zayn's action is still out of pure and genuine thoughts, making thousands of butterflies set free and flap their wings in his stomach.

"I did nothing, babe. Last time you said, you can only imagine how much love the owner had put to make this place, a home. So, I used a bit of mine and decorated it to make it look a bit more homely and warm for you." Zayn tightens his grip on his waist, kissing his sweet spot a few times, to calm his own nerves down.

Harry didn't understand what Zayn meant by his last statement, but he didn't give it a thought and turned around Zayn's arm, nuzzling his face in his neck.

"I love it. I...I .... thankyou." Harry stuttered feeling overwhelmed by everything.

"No, tears in the beautiful eyes of my gorgeous boyfriend. Common, let's eat up."

The pair moved towards the tent, taking off their shoes before entering. Harry looked around, capturing all the little detail Zayn had put into it. When Harry tried to move towards the other side to sit down Zayn pulled at his hand, making him lose his balance and drop on Zayn's lap. Harry was blushing furiously at the new position of them but didn't oppose.

Zayn had brought a whole range of Harry's favourite cuisines, along with chocolate and strawberry pastries because his sweet boy has a sweet tooth. After they got completed with their dinner, Zayn leaned backwards on his hand to support their weight while Harry remained cuddled on his lap watching the twinkling stars.

Zayn knew this was his chance to tell Harry who he is, and what they actually are, but with it came the change of getting rejected, which left his wolf howling in anticipation. Zayn took a few more deep breathes to calm down his nerves which didn't go unnoticed by Harry, and now that he come to think of it was the only thing he has been doing since morning.

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