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[so...I am no pro but here's my illustration of Tanya. ^]




It's been fourteen years since we discovered the sea, ten years since the rumbling has happened, ten years ago, I married the love of my life.

A smile of content crept it's way on my lips while I rest my chin against my palm as I watched her, radiant as ever. Her now heterochromatic eyes gleamed as she prepared the kids lunch, her used to be short ravenette has gone longer and reaches her waist, there were strands of baby hair that clouds her scar in which never in my life I have found ugly, sometimes she'd also wear small yellow hair clips to get those out of her vision and reveals her pleasant face. My heart just continued to beat faster.

How can she do literally anything and make me completely whipped?

I'm used to seeing her fighting. Back in the day when titans were everywhere, military police was after us, we've been through hell and back, she managed to look elegant and pretty as ever while she slashed the napes of those titans. But seeing her now, preparing food, and living a normal life, didn't change the way I look at her, it just made me love her more.

A normal life. This is what she always wanted, and now she has it. She deserved it. And I'll make sure it stays that way, and no shit will go wrong that would take her smile away.

"Levi!" I was knocked away from my thoughts when I met with her brown and blue eyes, her face centimetres away from mine while she was waving her hands infron of my face.

Damn, she's more beautiful up close.

"Oi Levi can you hear me? You've been looking at the w--"

She didn't get to finish the end of her sentence as I grabbed her collar and slammed my lips onto hers. I felt her smile between the kiss as she sits on my lap, her hands sneaking its way to my nape. I deepened the kiss, my tongue exploring every inch of her mouth. I couldn't get enough--

"Mom, dad, please get a room." A voice of a stoic kid who happens to be mine caused the both of us to break away, a pink blush, dusting Tanya's cheeks was a way to express her embarrassment.

Just like Tanya, he had a ravenette hair but with a tint of blue, and like me, he usually is stoic and doesn't really express his emotions a lot.

She cleared her throat and got up, making her way towards the table to pack their lunch. "You ready for school Megumi?" Tanya asked as she wrapped the bento box onto a light blue cloth, I took the opportunity to help her and went towards the table, grabbing the other bento box and wrapped it in a light pink cloth.

"Yes." He answers plainly while taking his black backpack and slinging it onto his shoulders.

"Where's your sister?" I asked. Megumi just looked left and right only to find out his sister wasn't here. He scratches his nape.

"I swear I saw her come down earlier." He mutters to himself while trying to look for her. I sighed, I knew exactly where this is going.

"Himawari! Come back down here you're gonna be late on your first day!" Tanya yelled on top of her lungs which sent shivers to both Megumi and I.

"You're being too harsh." I pointed out. She raised a brow.

"Am I?"

I just looked at her blankly, she immediately gives in. Rolling her eyes before leaving the table to go upstairs. Later on, she came back carrying a small little girl with a short ravenette hair whose arms refused to let go of her neck, hugging Tanya as if her life depends on it.

The Ackermans [Book 2] | Levi x OCWhere stories live. Discover now