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Chapter 4:

Friends, Family, and Traditions


A certain two tone haired man puts down his coffee on the table whilst looking at his problematic bestfriend. "I seriously don't understand why you don't want to teach Megumi,"

"Ofcourse you don't, you were always been an idiot." She scoffed.

"Very funny." Jean said with lack of enthusiasm. "And the basement? Tanya, really?"

"I wanted to keep my treasured weapons! There's no way I'm gonna display it in the living room." She defended. "And plus, Levi was the one who suggested we get a basement. It's not entirely my fault."

"Your kids threatened me...and black mailed me!!" Jean whined at the ravenette girl as he recalled the last time he babysat the Ackerman kids.

"They're just curious," Tanya waved off. "And congrats, you didn't crack."

Jean and Tanya were having their usual monthly get together that has been their tradition for years since they were cadets. And certainly, nothing has changed between the two.

After a few hours of talking, the two decided to bid their goodbyes once they saw Sasha and Connie waving at them from afar. They knew for a fact they're gonna invite them to do something (very) idiotic so Jean and Tanya bolted. None of them really changed, even now that they're both adults.

• • •

Tanya stood in the grounds of Trost academy with her arms crossed, leaning against the gates. She was waiting for her son so she could walk with him, Levi was incharge of picking up their younger daughter so she just hope they're home by now.

"Commander?" A voice called up to her, catching her attention.

"What the hell is with that formality, Eren?" Tanya scoffed in annoyance. There stood the brunette man with his significant other who chuckled upon her response, they knew how much Tanya hated being called like that by her closest friends.

"What are you doing here?" She asked the two.

"Waiting for Armin, Niccolo invited everyone to eat at his restaurant. You guys should come too." Mikasa says when a figure walking out the school caught her eye.

"Megumi's here."

Tanya turns around when suddenly engulfed with a hug. Her eyes widens a bit, it wasn't part of Megumi's nature to hug her without any reason at all. It's like.....True he was acting a bit weird, but she must admit, she does appreciate his gesture.

"Let's go home?" Megumi smiled at his mom before taking her hand. The sight alone made Mikasa and Eren smile.


"Let's go! Bye Aunt Mikasa! Uncle Eren!" The young one waved at the two.

"Bye! We'll see you later!" Tanya waved as they walked away, basically her way of saying 'yes'.

"Kid. I've been thinking," The ravenette woman started, breaking the silence between them as the. The people that passes them by takes a double look whenever they see the girl's military police uniform, and the stitches in her face. Tanya was used to all of it, but sadly not her son. Megumi's eyes were starting to hurt because of glaring at the people who were looking at his mom.

"....are you even listening?" Tanya turned to the younger male who was brought back to his senses. His mom took notice of his annoyance and sighed before placing a firm hand on top of his head.

"Don't mind them."

"But they're staring at you, you told dad staring was rude." Megumi replied, remembering the time when his mom caught his dad staring at her with a loving gaze .....she still called it rude.

"Ignore them, Megumi."  Tanya spoke with a stern tone. "Like I said, I'll be training you from now on. Make sure you wake up early or else---"

Megumi stopped walking at turned to his mother with widened eyes. "Y-you'll train me?!"

Tanya rolled her eyes playfully while fighting off a grin." Yes now get over it--"

"Thank you! You're the best mom I've ever had!"

"I'm the only mother you have, brat."

• • •

Tanya was surprised upon seeing Levi and Himawari preparing the dinner table, it was a bit too early, and she told Mikasa and Eren they'd attend Niccolo's invitation but now, she'd rather be home with and eat the dinner her family prepared for her.

"You're finally home." Levi walked over to her, takes off her military coat and folded it himself. He knew Tanya thinks it's nice of him, but the truth is just Tanya's folding skills when it comes to jackets and coats are just...... pitiful.

"You cooked?" The ravenette man caught a glimpse of his wife's smile and couldn't help but melt inside, there trully is nothing more pleasant than seeing her happy, even with little things.

"Ofcourse." Levi leans in to capture her lips, making her smile. "You look pretty today--"

"Don't think I'm letting you off the hook Ackerman, we still have a few things to discuss later." Tanya smiled sweetly at him as she fixed his collar. Levi knew it would be hard to escape that since he suddenly dropped the bomb yesterday, but he can wait until Tanya say she's okay with it.

"Mom, dad, we're hungry." Megumi chimed, removing Levi from the tough spot he was in.

After they ate, Tanya went to the kitchen after cleaning the table, she was busy washing the dishes when she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. Something Levi had gotten used to the moment they became husband and wife.

"You look pretty washing the dishes."

"That's not even a compliment, Levi." Tanya said as she gave the man slight glare. Levi only plants a kiss on her shoulders.

"I'm not even lying. You look pretty with whatever you do." The ravenette girl rolled her eyes playfully before placing the plates on the sink, she turns around to face him. Not once did Levi ever thought he'll feel so intimidated by her gaze, he knew Tanya was always intimidating but not like this.

"Look if you're not on board with it I'm not gonna do it." Levi stated fast. He knew whatever decisions he make, he must first run it with his wife.

"I'm not trying to control how you live, Levi." Tanya spoke softly, resting her arms around his nape. "But this has how our whole lives has been, are you sure you'll be okay with it?"

Levi's lips was decorated with a soft smile before leaning towards her for a kiss. "I'll devote my life for the three of you," his lips met hers once again, leaving trail of kisses down to her jaw. "You know that."

"Alright, fine." Tanya's eyes saw a glimpse of Levi's rare smile, she knew she feels giddy everytime he does that. She never expected that someone like her who had a stained past will be blessed with a life like this, with someone she loved. Tanya couldn't ask for more.


A/N: This book is near its end by the way, I know there ain't a lot of action in here but I never intended to do a book 2 in the first place hehe, it was kind of a spur the moment thing and I just wanna be happy for my aot babies given how depressing (but great) the ending is.😭😭 thank you so much for reading.

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