Ibuki Route (2) Visit

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Needless to say, that night and morning were a bit weird for Ibuki. The blue-haired girl had gone from just accepting the fact that she had to date Ayanokouji, to now realizing all of the negatives that came with it.

One, since this was a solo mission, nobody would know Ibuki was faking her infatuation for him. So, she would either have to be an absolute prick when the time comes or just shut up and take it.

Plus, Horikita would disapprove and protest against the idea, meaning that Ibuki would get an earful she doesn't wanna deal with.

Nonetheless, she'd have to follow through with it.


'I can just call him and ask to break up when he comes!'





"Hey, Ayanokouji."

"Hello, Ibuki. What caused you to call this early in the morning?"

"I can't check on my boyfriend?" Ibuki cringed from that line but kept the phone call going.

"Oh. I didn't know people did that in relationships. I apologize."

'...There's zero way I'm dating a bastard with no relationship experience.' Ibuki thought, facepalming.

"It's whatever. Can you come over today?" She asked.

"Uh, sure. What do you wanna do?" Ayanokouji retorted.

"Just...get to know each other more I guess? We haven't talked throughout the year."

"Alright. What time?"

"Is 3:00 PM fine? I have some homework." Ibuki asked.

"Yeah. See you then?"


And with that, she hung up.


"So what do I do now? It's 9:00 AM..."



Ibuki sat on her couch, patiently waiting for Ayanokouji to come. In 14 minutes, she'd have to break his heart.

Knock Knock

Or now.

"Who is it?"

"Ayanokouji!" The other person exclaimed.

Ibuki opened the door and saw Ayanokouji standing there with a somewhat casual outfit.

"Hey," Ibuki said, pull the door back more. "Come in."

Ayanokouji cautiously walked in and took a seat on the couch.

"So, as you know, I invited you here," Ibuki said, sitting down.


"...And the reason I invited was to tell you something important."


Ibuki put her hand on top of his and tried to avoid contact. But everywhere she would look, those hazel brown eyes would follow her with curiosity.

"I want to...."

'Come on Ibuki! You can't mess this up!'

"..go on a date!"

'Are you fucking kidding me-'



"Since my schedule is packed this week, let's go now," Ayanokouji said, taking her hand.

"But where are we going?!" Ibuki exclaimed.

"To our business, remember?"



The couple was now at Kiyopon's Fight Training and quickly walked in. Both Ayanokouji and Ibuki wanted to avoid getting caught, so no time was to be wasted.

"We seriously need to have a different name for this shop..." Ibuki said, looking at the sign inside.

"What would that new name be?" Ayanokouji asked.

"Maybe 'Kiyopon's Dojo'? Seems like a better name to me." Ibuki retorted.

"...You're right. Drop the Kiyopon part and it's perfect."

"Anyways, why did you bring me here?" Ibuki asked.

"Before you asked me out, I heard you complaining about your fighting ability a few days ago. I didn't ask you to train with them cause at the time you'd probably kick me, but now is a perfect time." Ayanokouji replied.

"Okay. So what will we be doing?"

"First, I think we should work on your punches instead of your kicks. Your combat ability is great already, but it could be a lot better if you worked in more styles." Ayanokouji stated.

"So what I want you to do is..."

With those few words, the training began. Ibuki's power was decent, but her technique is off. She'd go for hooks all the time and it'd only make it easier for Ayanokouji to dodge.

Eventually, within one hour, they had tired themselves out. Both Ayanokouji and Ibuki collapsed on the floor, a bottle of water in hand.

"Phew. That was a workout alright," Ibuki said, wiping the sweat beads off of her forehead.

"Yep. Did you at least enjoy it?" Ayanokouji asked.

"...I won't tell you that. The workout was just average after all," Ibuki said, letting out a "hmph" sound.

Ayanokouji chuckled.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it at least a little bit, Ibuki."



btw the reason i put "ayanokouji chuckled" is just to piss people off lol


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