Sorry it took so long for me to update. I had writers block. But I'm good now!
"What are you doing here!?" Andrews father put his glass down and starts yelling. His words are directed at Andrew but his eyes are pinned on me.Andrew stutters and hesitates before responding. "I- I didn't know you were gonna be here. You said you were gonna work late tonight." Then like a cheap movie and on Que, and skinny blond in a short silver dress walks into the room with a glass of wine in her hand, but by the way she's walking its clearly not her first glass.
"Hey. What's with all the noise out here?" She stands tall next to Andrews father like she owns the place.
He sighs and rubs his temple and I smile. Pretending to be innocent is so easy, especially when he is suffering, God I hate this man so much. "This is my son. Andrew. And this is his" he hesitates and his eyes harden. "Date, apparently. And your name is?" He looks at me with fake expectancy but I know he knows exactly what my name is.
I smile sweetly at him "Annabelle. But you can call me Anna everyone does." I hold out my hand for him to shake. The anger is apparent in his eyes and it makes me smile a little wider.
He shakes my hand but clearly he doesn't want to. He turns to the blond woman and whispers something and hands her the keys to what I'm assuming is his car. "Now considering the cabin was left to Andrew here and not me" his eyes darken and he tenses a little more which I didn't think was even possible. He forces a smile onto his face and looks at Andrew who looks absolutely horrified at what he just witnessed. "I'll let you guys have the cabin." With that he stiffly walks out, and I watch him go.
Andrew doesn't relax till his father's vehicle leaves. I can't help it though I burst out laughing and almost fall over.
"What's so funny?" Andrew is looking at me with an amused look in his eyes.
"Other than the fact that your dad happened to be in apparently your cabin with a random blond conquest? I don't know. Maybe the fact that he looked like he was gonna have a coronary when we walked through the door." I laughed agian and just looked and him. He smiled and shook his head walked over to his dad's wine glass downed it, and then washed the glass. While he did that I took it upon myself to tour the cabin.
The living room was small, all wood, everywhere. The couches were made of a soft leather-like material, there was no t.v. but a fireplace with buttons on it that I wasn't gonna press just in case they set off an alarm, there was a rocking chair with a tan knitted blanket that looked like it had seen better days and a dark leather recliner. I wandered into a side room which is just a bathroom with a little marble sink. I keep going into a small guest room with a wooden frame that has posts that almost reach the ceiling, there's a matching dresser to the right with nothing on it. Odd. Its like they never even lived here in the first place. I walked over to the bed. Maroon colored blankets with matching pillowcases. I leave the room and head towards the kitchen, the kitchen has dark marble countertops, with wooden cabinets the same maroon color as the little guest rooms blankets.
Wait a minute. Where's Andrew? I look around only to see that he is gone. I panic thinking maybe he left me here not that it's much of a problem my conscious sneers at me. No. Using my abilities are dangerous, even if they are fun. I sigh and head into the room the blond came out of.
This is obviously the master bedroom. The bed is a dark red wood, the blankets are a black with silver and gold swirling designs, while the pillowcases are straight black, the bed posts reach the ceiling, and have that thin black black material over it you would normally put over your face at a funeral covering the entire thing, almost like a screen. To the right there is a black dresser with a mirror that also has those gold and silver designs on it. To the left there is a door that might lead to the bathroom I walk over to it and knock before opening it. Its the same as the smaller bathroom except this one is darker and has a shower. I turn around and walk back into the room to find Andrew looking for me.

RandomShe, blended in perfectly just another average girl. No one knows why she's that way, at all, but she has a secret, one that could either get her killed or locked up in a science lab for the rest of her life... So not standing out is her defence. Fo...