Chapter 17

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You love me! No you don't I know its okay but you'll be fine guys.


"He brought her HERE!? Who does he think he is!?" The woman paces angrily back and forth. Her heels clicking loudly in the otherwise silent room.

"What is the problem again?" A man, sitting in a chair facing a one-sided window asks.

"Whats the problem!? WHATS THE PROBLEM!?" The woman stops moving and stares at the back of his chair. "Other than the fact that, SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO DIE!? I don't know, maybe I just don't want her here, and that's the only reason I NEED!" The woman shakes her head and stares in bewilderment at his question.

"Well, maybe this isn't a bad thing." He casually states. "If we can get her on our side again-"

She cuts him off, "NO! No. Never again will I let someone else's child into my house and call it mine. She wasn't even born this way you know? What am I saying of course you know you're the one that set all of this up. Our son hasn't even completed his job because he's spent his entire life thinking he was her big brother and needed to save her. Now she's here. She will ruin everything you know." The woman sits on the large wooden desk.

"So what are we to do about it." The man asks.

"We need to hurt her, bad. We need to take something from her, and make it hurt. Something.. irreplaceable, something, that will kill her from the inside; like a poison with no antidote."

The woman ponders what to do. Her face is wrinkled at the forehead, something that does not happen often, by the look of it; her face is virtually flawless.

"Well, remember what that spy you.. coerced into working for you said? She's got a mate." The man turns to at her, waiting.

"Oh, my, god. That's right." She stands up, and turns to the man grinning, revealing perfect white teeth, "I love you baby." She stands up and adjusts herself in a mirror hanging on the wall just to the right of the desk.

"I love you too darling." The man turns further in his chair and watches her with careful eyes.

"Now, I've got a fight to go arrange. I will see you, in the aftermath baby." She winks and walks out, her eyes holding a calm malice that he hadn't seen since she got rid of the girl the first time.

"Now, to watch them. Wouldn't want her hurting her son during the, test she set up." He hesitates on the word son.

He presses one button of many on the armrest of his chair. The sound of machinery starting up can be heard as the window is completely covered with screens. The screens show every angle available of the 'compound' that he was charged with watching over.

On one of the screens, he can see two girls, and one boy, walking up stairs to the boarding rooms, where people would have been held, if they hadn't all died in the testing process. He sits back and watches them climb the stairs. One girl that he did not recognize, her face covered in freckles, turns and makes direct eye contact with him through the camera. His breath stops, as if stopping it will make her look away.

She narrows her eyes and flips him off, before turning and running off after the other two; who didn't hesitate to leave her behind when she stopped to stare at the wall. He didn't switch the camera for  while. However, he did worry about that other girl.

"How did she even get in?" He questions out loud.

There wasn't a single area in the compound that he couldn't see. And he did not remember seeing her brought in through the slave, or the testing doors. So where did she come from? And why does her presence in his compound scare him more than anything he had ever experienced before?

He tries to shake the feeling off and switches cameras. The girl once again turns to look at the camera. The camera that is literally not able to be seen at all. Unless you were there when it was put in, or had a map with a layout of the camera locations but there were none. He put them all in himself in the middle of the night.

How did she know where they were?

But most importantly, why did she scare him so much?


I know you guys really hate me and I'm sorry. My mom is just putting me through so much shit now and I'm in the middle of a transfer and I've really been to stressed out to write.

However, I'm going to start using this as a stress reliever so all will start moving again soon I promise you guys.

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