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When Niki had left to begin packing her stuff Puffy had told Ranboo and Ant (even though the latter already knew some stuff) all about their past together. Both of them had proceeded to fanboy and ask a lot of questions but that was soon interrupted by Niki who had finished packing and was ready to leave. 

Now it was nighttime, the stars covered the night sky and despite wanting to immediately catch up with Niki, Puffy had had to deal with her attention being taken by other parties. It began with getting to know Ranboo on the way back and finally saying goodbye to Dylila whom she would be leaving for some time. Immediately once she got on the ship she cooped herself up in Hannah’s room and began trying to nurse her back to health. During this time Puffy had been driving the ship to distract herself but now that it was nighttime she had switched with Velvet and instead hid in her room. 

She had been walking a lot the whole day which led to sore feet and a tired mind. The ship was slowly rocking back and forth and Puffy felt a yawn escape her lips. She was beginning to feel the weight of the day on her eyelids and they closed further and further by the second until finally she fell asleep to the lulling of the ship. 


Puffy opened her eyelids to realize that she had almost fallen asleep on driving duty. The wheel was left by itself and her hands had fallen to her sides as her head fell. She was falling asleep upright. She couldn’t let that happen though, she had promised to take over Dream’s shift for tonight since the other had stated he wanted to do something with George and Sapnap, and Puffy didn’t have the guts to tell him no. Others might say she was too soft but she liked it and it was putting no harm on her crew so she would continue to do it. 

She always did stuff to help around the ship. Most captain’s would just boss around their crew and lock themselves in their rooms but Puffy wanted to help and talk to them. This is why she had such good relationships and knew so much about the crew. Things as simple as their favorite colors (Skeppy’s was blue but recently he had begun wearing a lot of red) and as deep as their crushes (Skeppy wore red because it was Bad’s favorite color). Mostly everyone on this ship had someone they liked, whether they themselves knew it or not. 

Puffy would pay close attention to her friends so she would always know how they’re feeling and when it’s okay for her to comfort them as opposed to her leaving them alone. Stuff she had noticed was that Sapnap would often get upset when it rained, this resulted in him cooping himself up in his room the whole time, whenever this happened she would go down and bring tea with her; to give him her usual talk about how he was a great help for the crew regardless of these things he considers “weaknesses” because in reality it’s the one thing that keeps him human. It shows that no matter how powerful he gets there is always a reason to continue practicing and it also shows that regardless of his “weakness” he is able to persevere. 

Another thing that Puffy had noticed during this time is that Dream and George liked each other. It was blatantly obvious too so Puffy didn’t understand why they themselves didn’t notice. George didn’t notice when Dream would get all blushy and fiddle with his fingers in George’s presence. But Dream also didn’t notice how George would give him more attention than he ever gave the others. 

Puffy wasn’t blind either of course. She had noticed how Niki would try to learn how to cook recently. How she would try to give Puffy a bunch of sweets that always turned out horrible no matter how many times she tried. But it was these mistakes that proved that she was learning, because with every failed recipe Niki would slowly get better and better, and Puffy didn’t want to seem rude but now, after so many failed recipes, Niki’s food was bearable. And no matter how horrible Niki’s food tasted, Puffy would always finish it completely, because she didn’t want to discourage the girl from learning. Afterall she would spend so much time in the kitchen with Skeppy and Bad trying to learn for the sole reason of feeding Puffy. 

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