VIII: Battle Of Ailell

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After successfully defending the church, Sarai walks straight into the reception hall with her allies. "That was somewhat rough.", she said as Rhea and Jeralt walked over. "We're very lucky we were able to drive them off, but it sounds as though we'll need even more reinforcements if we're going to able to put a end to the empire's millennium long reign.", Ashe replied. "Ashe is having a point.", Petra told them. "You're from Brigid, aren't you?", Sarai asks her. "Yes.", she replied. "Petra's also their princess.", Dorothea told her. "If we don't get the reinforcements we need to do so, we won't be able to put a end to the empire's reign.", Ingrid pointed out. "She's right, Sarai.", Dimitri told her. "We also should send a messenger to ask for reinforcements.", he added. "Do you know anyone we could ask, Sarai?", Ferdinand asked her. "I have someone in mind, but I haven't seen her since I left the alliance, so it would be good to communicate with her again.", she said before she made her way up to the library to write her letter to have delivered right to Castle Daphnel. Back in the alliance, Judith was busy with her paperwork duties at her desk in her office when one of her soldiers opened the doors and handed her the letter. "Hello, Judith. I know I haven't seen you since November, but you'd probably be happy to hear I'm doing great. Anyway, I'm giving you a request for reinforcements so we'll get more soldiers and supplies. I'm going to wait to hear your response. Yours truly, Sarai.", it wrote on it. "Well, Claude would be happy to hear that young woman's doing well.", Judith said before she started writing her reply to the letter. After she finished, she sent her response right to the church. Back in the church, Sarai was speaking with Dimitri in the library when Ingrid walked in and asked them both to come straight down to the reception hall. There, Lambert handed her Judith's response. When she red it, her face went from happy to a little annoyed, for Judith had just asked them to meet her in the valley of torment. "That place's the worst!", Ingrid said aloud. "Have you been there before, Ingrid?", she asked her. "Yes.", she replied and revealed her hero's relic. "Luín.", Lambert said in pure recognition. "Nearly five and a half years ago, Dorothea led me and my friends to the valley to retrieve Luín from some bandits on my father's request.", she explained. "Afterwards, Rhea let you keep it despite my wishes.", Seteth said to her. Glenn walked over and hugged her rather lovingly, after which she closed her eyes and leaned into him. Dimitri did the same thing with Sarai. "At least they're happy with each other.", Dorothea said as Ferdinand turned her around to face him. Mercedes walked over to Sylvain, who was rather quick to wrap his arms around her. Flayn knew she was rather happy with Dedue, much to Savanna's delight. This left Felix with Bernadetta, much to the surprise of Glenn and Rodrigue. Much to her father's confusion, Annette was very close to Linhardt. To make things easier, Ashe and Caspar were in love with Marianne and Hilda respectively. This left Petra, whom Sarai was planning on pairing with Claude, Cyril, who was very fond of Lysithea, Savanna, who planned to marry Raphael after the war ended, Seteth, who was aiming for the heir to Castle Charon, Manuela, who was strangely interested in Hanneman, and Shamir, who knew of Ignatz's attraction to her. At the end of the month, they traveled to the valley of torment. But before they could ask one another any questions, Ashe spotted some soldiers up on the cliffside. "Castle Rowe! Only they'd leave their homeland for the empire!", Dimitri said angrily. "The Gray Lion will be among them as well.", Lambert replied. "Is that really what he's known as?!", Sarai asked him. During the fight, Judith showed up to join the fight and she was happy to see Sarai again. After killing the commander, the young queen turned to the older woman and hugged her.

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