Shattered Peace

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"What was it like when you died?" Kiku asked.

"Terrifying," Takeru admitted, "All I remember is losing and everything going dark." He immediately felt like kicking himself.

"Real suave, Takeru. Girls just love when you get existential." Fortunately, Kiku seemed impressed, and she moved to hang onto Takeru's arm. It had been six months since Takeru had come home, and he'd gotten better at opening up to Kiku, but this was the first time he'd been able to talk to her about the Ignis War. Up until now the loss of Flame had been too fresh.

As they walked, Takeru began to feel eyes on his back. At first he tried to ignore it, but when the feeling persisted, he began to tense up.

"Are you okay?" Kiku whispered.

"We're being followed," Takeru whispered.

Kiku yelped and clung tighter to his arm.

"Judging by her face, I'd say you noticed us," A group of thugs Takeru didn't recognize had blocked the path behind him, and he was willing to bet they were waiting ahead as well. He pushed Kiku behind him and raised his fists. The man who'd spoken, probably the leader, laughed.

"The boss said no witnesses. Kill the chick, take the guy alive."

"Eek! Takeru!" Kiku yelped

"Get ready to run when I tell you." Takeru said, sounding a lot calmer than he felt.

The leader lunged forward, brandishing a lead pipe. Reacting on pure muscle memory, Takeru grabbed the pipe and twisted it out of the man's grip, before slamming it into his gut. The thug dropped to the ground. Some of his cronies rushed forward. Takeru slammed the pipe into the shoulder of one of the attackers. When the man staggered, Takeru grabbed Kiku's hand and pulled her after him. Spurred on by fear and adrenaline, the two sprinted to Takeru's house and locked the door, whereupon they collapsed. After what seemed like an eternity, the voices outside faded and the couple each let out a shaky breath. Takeru was the first to stand up and peek out the window.

"They're gone," he said, half to reassure Kiku and half to calm himself. His girlfriend shuddered.

"Who were those guys?"

"I don't know, but I might know someone who can help me find out." Takeru pulled out his Duel Disk and sent a message.

"Hey Kusanagi, it's me. Some thugs came after me tonight, don't know who they were but they said their boss wanted me alive. Think you could do some digging to see who hired them?"

It didn't take long for a reply to pop up.

"I'm calling the others, we'll rendezvous in 15 min in VRAINS."

Takeru turned to Kiku.

"Tell my grandparents what happened when they get home."

With that he took a deep breath and held up his duel disk.

"Into the VRAINS!"


As Soulburner approached VRAINS, he noticed that some of the group were already there. Upon closer inspection, he realized that it was Blue Maiden and Ghost Girl, along with a girl he didn't recognize, who was wearing her fuschia hair in pigtails and a soft pink idol dress. He guessed probably Blue Maiden's girlfriend Miyu Sugisaki.

"Soulburner!" Blue Maiden called as he landed "It's been too long."

Soulburner grinned, "Missed you, Blue Maiden! You too, Ghost Girl." The latter briefly looked up from her Duel Disk and winked. He turned to the girl in the short pink and extended his hand for her to shake.

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