Brewing Storm

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A/N: Huge shoutout to my chat on Amino, especially Arby&Roilet and 🏳️‍🌈⚡️Yamper⚡️🏳️‍🌈, for playing out the duel for this!


Zephyr:4000 Playmaker:4000

"I'll go first!" Zephyr declared, "I draw!" His grin when he looked at his card immediately put Playmaker on his guard.

"I discard Thunder Dragon Discord so I can add a copy of Thunder Dragon from my deck to my hand! Now I activate Allure of Darkness. I can draw two cards as long as I banish a Dark attribute monster. I banish Thunder Dragon Roar!"

"At least Playmaker doesn't have to worry about that card anymore," Aquaria smiled nervously.

"Wrong," Revolver frowned.

"When Roar gets banished, I can summon a Thunder Dragon from my hand as long as I return it at the end of my turn!" Zephyr's smile widened, "So I'll bring out Thunder Dragon Dark!"

"Wow, His dueling is really blowing me away!" Go laughed at his own joke.

Everyone on the building groaned.

"Oh! I get it, 'blowing me away' because Wind Ignis. That's funny." Zephyr laughed. "Your friends are hysterical, Playmaker, but you're going down. I discard Thunder Dragon to summon Quickdraw Synchron!"

"Tch." Playmaker scowled.

"I tune Thunder Dragon Dark with Quickdraw Synchron! Dazzling dragon, fly to me on bejeweled wings and grant me a beautiful victory! I Synchro Summon Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon!"

Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon 3000 ATK/ 2500 DEF

"What a beautiful dragon!" Aquaria murmured.

"And with 3000 Attack it's not just a pretty face." Soulburner added.

"It'll take more than that to take down Playmaker," Blue Maiden grinned nervously.

"Did you like the summoning chant? I stayed up all night writing it!" Zephyr said.

Playmaker nodded slowly,"Uh, sure? The 'bejeweled wings' bit was a little on the nose."

"Thanks, I'll work on that. Anywho, I activate Thunder Dragon Fusion! I fuse Thunder Dragon, Thunder Dragon Roar, and Thunder Dragon Dark! Giant with steps that shake the ground, use your power to bring the gods to their knees! I summon Thunder Dragon Titan!"

Thunder Dragon Titan 3200 ATK/ 3200 DEF

"How was that?"

"Why do you care?"

"It's been years since I've dueled," Zephyr said sheepishly "I just wanna make sure I'm at the top of my game."

"That one was pretty good." Playmaker admitted.

"Alright then, I set a card and end my turn."

"Not a bad turn," Revolver frowned, "Playmaker's going to need to pull out all the stops to beat him."

"If anyone can, it's Playmaker!" Blue Maiden said enthusiastically.

"C'mon Playmaker!" cheered Soulburner.

"I draw!" Playmaker shouted, "I summon Balancer Lord, and its effect lets me pay 1000 Life Points to summon Widget Kid."

Playmaker LP: 3000 Zephyr LP:4000

"Widget Kid lets me summon a Cyberse Monster from my hand in Defense Mode, so I summon Firewall Guardian! I Link Widget Kid with Code Generator in my hand. Appear! Circuit that leads to the future. I summon Code Talker Inverted."

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