Dragites and Dryads

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Specter and Pandor wandered through a dark corridor, lit only by torches.

"I have lost the lieutenants' signatures," Pandor said, "Our window of opportunity has closed."

"Well you've done a wonderful job of making their sacrifices worth it." Specter commented, "We'll escape any year now."

"Your compassion for our comrades is incredible, by which I mean it is exactly the opposite." She had recently started learning how to be sarcastic. Very recently.

Specter was about to make another snide comment when the maze began to shake. The corridor in front of them closed, and a nearby wall opened.

"It seems we are being led," Pandor said.

"So we are," Specter agreed.

It wasn't a long walk down the corridor before the two reached a chamber. At the opposite end stood a short man.

"I assume you're our host," Specter said.

"You assume correctly," the man said, "You may call me Rook. I challenge you to a duel, if I win, your consciousness data is mine."

"And if I win you let me leave this little maze of yours. You must be quite skilled to be so confident, the risk hardly seems worth the reward." Specter's tone was mocking, but Rook didn't seem to notice.

"Then I shall sweeten the pot as it were." Rook snapped his fingers and the labyrinth shook and a wall opened to reveal a barred cell containing the unconscious three lieutenants.

"I've infected them with a virus. Beat me, and they go free."

Specter smirked. "It seems we're of a similar kind. Very well then, let's duel!"

"I'll go first," Rook said, "I draw!"

Specter LP: 4000 Rook LP: 4000

"He has clearly been planning for this. We are at a disadvantage." Pandor warned.

Rook smiled, "I summon Adamancipator Crystal-Raptite!"

"Now I summon Adamancipator Seeker. When I control an Adamancipator monster, I can summon this card from my hand. And that's not all, I can excavate the top 5 cards of my deck and summon 1 level four or lower non-tuner monster, so I summon Adamancipator Crystal-Dragite!"

"Oh my! Whatever will you do with that?" Specter said overdramatically.

Rook scowled but chose to ignore the remark "I tune Adamancipator Crystal Raptite with Adamancipator Seeker. Spirits of wind and stone, take flight and come to my aid! I Synchro Summon Adamancipator Risen-Raptite!"

Adamancipator Risen-Raptite ATK:2200 DEF:2800

"I activate its special ability. I excavate the top 5 cards of my deck and summon 1 excavated Rock monster in Defense mode. I summon Adamancipator Analyzer."

"I see." Specter smirked, "You're looking to eliminate chance as much as possible. You've clearly been preparing for this but your deck isn't suited to exploit my weaknesses. Let me guess, you rose through ranks at SOL because of blind obedience. Put simply, you don't like dueling, do you?"

Rook's eyes widened.

"Oh? Did I hit the nail on the head?"

"I-I," Rook shook himself, "No, y-you're wrong, and I'll prove it. I activate Adamancipator Analyzer's effect. I excavate the top 5 cards of my deck and summon a level 4 or lower monster. I summon Adamancipator Crystal-Leonite in defense mode. I tune Adamanciptor Analyzer with Adamancipator Crystal-Dragite to summon Adamancipator Analyzer to Synchro Summon Adamancipator Risen-Dragite!"

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