When Thunder Strikes a Tree

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Queen sat on her terrace sipping a martini. A hologram of Bishop appeared behind her.

"Yes? What is it?"

"I have good news and bad news."

Queen set down her drink, "Well spit it out."

"The good news is that I obtained the chip from Onizuka."

"Excellent. And the bad news?"

"He wasn't alone. The remnants of 006's little crew showed up, along with the more troublesome Knights of Hanoi. Looking for 005 no doubt."

Queen took a long sip of her drink. "I wouldn't worry about that. They clearly don't know exactly where he is, otherwise they'd have broken in by now. How quickly can you finish that project of yours?"

Bishop sighed, "Tomorrow, if I pull an all-nighter."

"You have two hours."


"Zephyr will stall, but even he can't take three at once. Get to the lab and get it done." She hung up. "Zephyr!"

He appeared next to her. "Yes?"

"Go set the Rat Trap, but don't engage until I say so. Bishop will send someone along to help you shortly. "

"Are you sure this is okay? It seems a little...dubious."

Queen sighed, stood up, and walked over to the teenager. "Of course it is. I wouldn't make you do something wrong. Don't you trust me?"

"Yeah, yeah you're right." Zephyr grinned tentatively.

"I know I am." Queen smiled and handed him a card, "I dug this one out of an old deck. It should help you out. Now run along."

Zephyr nodded and disappeared.

In his limo, Bishop scowled. "Get to the lab!" He shouted at his driver.

The lab in question was an old building near the water, but far from the docks. Bishop punched in the code for the door and stepped inside. It wasn't an impressive space, though it was certainly cleaner than it looked on the outside. It was well lit and smelled of antiseptic, with a large computer sitting on a meticulously clean desk. Locked cabinets full of chemicals and pharmaceuticals lined the walls, the keys to which jingled on Bishop's belt. Indeed, it was a positively respectable space but for one thing.

"Damn, I was hoping you forgot about me." Takeru Homura was zip-tied to a chair in the corner. He and the chair were lying on the floor which meant he'd been trying to escape.

"Can you help me up? I'd do it myself but I'm a little tied up at the moment. Oh great, now I've turned Go."

Bishop ignored him and sat down at the computer.

"You're an asshole, you know that? If you're gonna keep me here you could at least hold a conversation."

Bishop rolled his eyes and continued working.

"Is your voice really that annoying or-"

"Bite your tongue or I'll cut it out."

Takeru's eyes blazed, but he quieted down. The next hour and a half passed slowly, not a word was uttered except for mumbled swears from both sides. At last, Bishop wiped some sweat from his brow and held a small circuit board, affixed with a short needle.

"This will have to do," He muttered. He walked briskly over to where Takeru was laying and yanked the chair upright. "Lower your head and sit still."

Takeru frantically struggled against the zip-ties, "Like Shadow Realm I'm gonna-Ow!" Bishop grabbed Takeru's hair and forced his head down, before pressing the needle into the back of the teenager's neck, securing it with a bandage.

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