The Little Marincess

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A/N: Hey, Hi, I just realized I haven't updated in, like forever, so sorry about that. As an apology, here's two chapters

Using Link Sense wasn't a pleasant feeling. Every thought became a blur of 1s and 0s, usually going by too fast for Yusaku to decipher them. Often he'd be pretty addled after even after he stopped. Well, at least coffee helped with the headaches.

Yusaku didn't know how long he'd been scanning VRAINS for, just that the search had thus far been fruitless. There was no sign of Takeru, or of Knight. Even the city surveillance cameras came up empty. It was like they'd both disappeared, or had never existed.

The ringing of Yusaku's duel disk snapped him out of his daze.

Where...? Oh yeah, he was in the hot dog truck. Yusaku rubbed his forehead. This headache was going to last a while.


"Morning, Playmaker" Ryoken's voice came from the other end.

"Is it morning already?" Yusaku asked.

"Don't tell me you were asleep?"

"No, I have to find Takeru. I guess I lost track of time."

Ryoken sighed, "It's pointless to look for traditional clues. As one of SOL's top executives, Knight could easily cover his trail."

"I have to at least try!" Yusaku practically snapped, then more quietly he added "I couldn't protect him, I have to at least save him."

"1.You couldn't have done anything. Soulburner bit off more than he could chew and paid the price. 2. That doesn't mean going it alone. Chasing your own tail won't solve anything. 3. I said it's pointless to look for traditional clues. We need to find something Knight, or whoever's in charge of the coverup, wouldn't think to hide." One could almost hear Ryoken's smug smile.

"Like what?"

"Security cameras."

"I've checked all the cameras around Cafe Nagi at the time Knight was here. All the footage was erased."

"Exactly. If the SOL hasn't changed their modus operandi from ten years ago they'll have erased all the footage. Meaning wherever he went, there'll be a gap in local security footage."

"And if we follow those gaps, we'll be able to figure out where he went." Yusaku finished.

"Mhm. Shall we get to work?"


"We're behind schedule," Queen growled, "All that work and we only have some useless data and 005 to show for it."

"What about the AI that tried to spy on us?" Bishop asked, "Surely she must be of some use."

"She's an imitation, nowhere near the power of a true Ignis," Queen scowled, "And don't call me Shirley."

"Queen, if I may," Rook began, "I have an idea. Let me go after 002."

"Very well," Queen replied, she tossed him a glowing blue card, "If anyone tries to stop you, activate this program."

"I will redeem myself," Rook disappeared.

"Sure you will," Bishop muttered, "Unlike him I've managed to keep my part of the plan running smoothly."

"Be not so hard on him," Knight said, "It is not his fault he is but a squire."

Bishop would have pulled his hair out if he had any.

"Don't fight, gentlemen," Queen said, "Rook's dueling skill is appreciable, and if he fails, he can be replaced. I have a secret weapon just in case we need to move to phase two before we are fully prepared."

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