Chapter 2: My First Day

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I had spent the remainder of my day after my interaction with Lady Dimitrescu exploring the castle grounds, making an internal map of all the rooms including the Lady's. I came across the kitchen and found other maids cleaning up for the end of the shift. I met a beautiful Parlour Maid by the name of Elena, who helped me finish my tour after she finished her remaining tasks. After learning the layout of my new home, I returned to my room to turn in for the night when I noticed an envelope sitting below the Lady's lipstick-stained wine glass I had "forgotten" to take to the kitchen. My breath catches as I see the house sigil pressed into the wax seal. It's from Lady Dimitrescu.

I wondered if I had done something wrong... already. But other than not returning her wine glass just yet, I couldn't think of anything. I lift the wine glass off the letter, pick up the aged parchment envelope, and set the glass down, my eyes glued to the deep red seal. I sit down on my chair in front of the fireplace and turn it over to see my name written in beautiful, angled cursive that seemed almost ancient. I carefully peel the wax seal off the body of the envelope, leaving it on the flap, and with a shaky hand, I pull the letter out. I take a deep breath and read the ancient cursive writing slowly:

"Dearest Y/N,

I have some tasks to train you on when dusk falls. Come to my chambers then and we shall get started with your first day. I am very precise about how I wish to have things done.

P.s. You can keep the wine glass if it pains you to part with it.

-Lady Alcina Dimitrescu"

I let out a deep sigh of relief that I'm not in trouble, but I'm also extremely anxious about meeting her first thing tonight. Could she tell I was already feeling some type of infatuation? Did she leave the glass on purpose? Maybe I will be able to tell tomorrow evening during our meeting, but as of right now, I really need to rest. I only have about 6 hours till dusk. I slip into a nightgown I bought myself on the way here. I found it in Italy, it's made of dark red silk and black ribbon. Something drew me to it, and I could not refuse. I settle down in my bed and fall asleep to the crackling of the dim fire.


I wake up a few hours before dusk to an embroidered canopy, a heavy down comforter, and soft, silk sheets, something I've never experienced. The fire has dimmed to embers and there's a slight chill in the room. I don't figure I'll be able to fall back to sleep, so I climb out of bed, stoke the fire, and find my clothes for the day. I find my gown easily, but notice that my apron is a deep red instead of white like the other maids. I wonder if that is due to my position as the Grand Chambermaid. All my uniforms are graciously provided by the Lady of the castle, so I only had to bring a small bag of personal items. I only had a few material possessions from back home, so being in a castle with a maximalist style was very overwhelming.

I go to the kitchen quickly to find something to eat before I begin my shift and notice an older maid in her 70s or so is already preparing food. I notice she, too, is wearing a dark red apron.

"Another early riser," she says joyfully. "It's nice to finally have some company at this time of day."

I give her the friendliest smile I possibly can and introduce myself. "It smells wonderful in here. My name is Y/N."

"It's nice to meet you, Y/N. My name is Doina. I'm one of the head kitchen maids. If you ever need something to eat, just come see me," she says with a sweet grin. She seems to love it here, I expect Lady Dimitrescu treats her well.

"I would actually love something to eat. I've got to meet our Lady in a couple of hours and I'm so nervous that I'm a bit nauseated," I say sheepishly. Doina nods her head and walks to the stove and brings me a bowl of porridge back, and it smells lovely.

Bleed Not For Death, But For Love: A Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now